Scott MacFarlane Profile picture
CBS News Justice Correspondent -- Syracuse University and WJPZ radio alum — 90's R&B superfan

Jul 8, 2021, 92 tweets

“Armed insurrection”

Items carried at US Capitol by some in the mob, per court filings:

Guns, bear spray, hockey stick, baseball bat, taser, sharpened flagpole, knives, scissors, tourniquet, plastic knuckles, lacrosse stick


Tomahawk ax
Zip ties

Strobe light

Rope and gallows

Tree Branch, Pipe, Stick, Baton, Crutch, Club

Fire extinguisher

(stolen) shields

Add: Steel-toed boots

Add: Four foot rod

ADD: Metal whip

ADD: Sledgehammer

ADD: Rocks

Add: "Eye damaging" laser devices

ADD: Large speaker

Add: Pitchfork

ADD: Wooden plank and tossed bottle

ADD: "Poles with nails in them"

ADD: Coffee tumbler and bucket of liquid

ADD: Bottles

ADD: PVC pipe

ADD: Laser pointer

ADD: Metal spear

ADD: Pitchfork

ADD: Large speaker equipment, which broke an officer's foot when thrown

ADD: Gadsden Flag

ADD: Plywood

ADD: Police barricade as battering ram

ADD: Large Trump sign

ADD: "Electroshock weapon" and "wasp spray"

ADD: Large metal trashcan

(video via court exhibit released by US Justice Dept)

ADD: Wooden table leg

ADD: Skateboard

ADD: Hard plastic pylon

ADD: "Loaded Taurus Revolver"

ADD: Raid insecticide and WD-40 sprayed at police. Per interviews with officers

ADD: Helmet and crow bar

ADD: "Orange traffic barrier"

ADD: "Hard-knuckle tactical gloves"

ADD: Broom stick

ADD: "Large wooden object"

(That's what the court filing says)

ADD: Sledgehammer

ADD: "Ballistic plate carrier" and crowbar

ADD: "Trump flag being thrown like a javelin"

ADD: "White piece of wood"

ADD: Plastic bottle

ADD: "Water bottles"

ADD: Furniture Leg

ADD: Red/orange-colored barrier

ADD: Tabletop

ADD: "Parts of chairs"

ADD: "Metal sign frame"

ADD: Police baton used against officer

ADD: Flashlight


ADD: A thrown scooter... which appears to tangle the feet of police in this bodycam video ===>

ADD: "Full beer can"

ADD: “wooden handrail”

ADD: Batteries.... thrown at police

ADD: Battering ram device

ADD: "American flag on a light-tan colored pole"

ADD: Blue Trump flag

ADD: "A metal sign so large it was on wheels and took multiple people to lift it"

(per newly filed court motion by Justice Dept in case against defendant Thomas Hamner)

ADD: "Half of a softball"

(Defendant accused of using ball and flagpole and smashing window glass goes on trial tomorrow)

ADD: "Plastic Pipe"

ADD: "Pointed metal attachments on .. wooden pole"

ADD: Velvet rope stand

ADD: "Captain America-style shield affixed to a small wooden-handled broom"


This ===>

ADD: Huge metal-framed Trump sign with wheels "about the size of a human head"

ADD: Bricks

ADD: "Metal knuckled gloves"

ADD: Coat rack

ADD: Enormous 2x4 beams

(Via video court exhibit released by US Justice Dept)

ADD: Enormous US flag

(Via video court exhibit released by US Justice Dept)

ADD: Railing

In newly unsealed Jan 6 case against James McNamara of Chicago, prosecutors allege he used a "railing" to ram a Capitol door several times

ADD: Stairwell beam

Police testimony at trial of Capitol riot defendant Bigo Barnett said a stairwell beam was thrown at police by someone in the mob (not by Barnett)

Police captain said the beam and other thrown items helped rioters breach the police line

ADD: "Hammer"

In court filing today, Jan 6 defendant from California acknowledges carrying hammer on his belt loop... citing concern about "Antifa"

ADD: "Grappling Hook"

Feds say Garret Miller carried the hook while amid mob on Jan 6. They argued "Miller was at the forefront of every barrier overturned, police line overrun, and entryway breached.."

A judge sentenced Miller to 38 months prison yesterday

ADD: A *lit* and thrown device that appeared to be a firecracker

(From sentencing memo and this week's hearing in Capitol riot case of David Lee Judd ====> )

ADD: "Large hunting knife in sheath on his belt"

From new US Justice Dept court filing... seeking pretrial detention in Capitol riot case of Kenneth Bonawitz, who's accused of dive-tackling two police officers

ADD: "Pepper gel"

At today's sentencing of Capitol riot defendant AIden Bilyard, prosecutors said his homemade pepper gel is "thicker, easier to aim acccurately"... "designed to cause pain"

ADD: "Billy Club" .... "Tire Thumper"

Per sentencing memo from defendant Shelly Stallings.. about her husband

ADD: "Metal coffee mug" thrown at police

Per newly filed Justice Dept case against Illinois defendant

ADD: Velvet rope

ADD: Wooden pallet

Latest weapon alleged to have been used in the US Capitol siege. According to newly posted charging documents in the case of Ronald Bryan of Louisiana

ADD: “Rock-like object”

ADD: “a table”

Per federal prosecutors in one of the newest Jan 6 cases:

ADD: A thrown "rope"

From new sentencing memo in USA v. Zachary Alam


ADD: "Rocks" being thrown

From sentencing memo issued by Justice Dept this week


ADD: "Large bolt"

Thrown at police, during a "precarious" situation for officers, per sentencing memo newly released by Justice Dept

The "debris" was used as a weapon too, per Justice Dept

ADD: "two hairbrushes with pointed ends"

From Court order rejecting early release from probation for Jan 6 defendant Logan Grover…

ADD: "Flashlight taser"

(From newly filed Jan 6 case this week)

Charging document also includes this photo of "collapsible baton" ====>

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