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used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Jul 8, 2021, 13 tweets

People are celebrating the fall from grace of Michael Avenatti for good reason. The Leftist establishment media hoisted him up as a vocal opponent of Trump during the former administration.

But it was all for empty "entertainment value." And in turn he did more harm than good.

Today this human embodiment of a leech was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for trying to extort more than $20 million dollars from Nike.

BEHOLD the dictionary definition of PARASITE:
"Mr. Avenatti 'betrayed his client’s trust and sought to enrich himself by weaponizing his public profile in an attempt to extort a publicly traded company out of tens of millions of dollars.'”

FLASHBACK: Establishment media talking heads in a montage, all PRAISING Michael Avenatti back during the former administration.

The MSM inflicted this awful person on all of us.

BUT ONE intrepid Fox News host stood alone in DUNKING on Michael Avenatti when there was DUNKING to. do.

And that host was Tucker Carlson.

One of Michael Avenatti's biggest sins against the USA was back in September/October 2018.

Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing was almost DERAILED completely by baseless accusations of Kavanaugh engaging in a "gang rape train" in High School.


ALSO, also: Michael Avenatti faced allegations of physical and emotional abuse. The police didn't pursue charges. But of course hindsight is 2020.

"She alleged that they were in an argument over money when he called her names, hit her in the face with pillows and dragged her across an apartment floor. Avenatti has always maintained his innocence."

Ana Navarro compared Michael Avenatti to the Holy Spirit because establishment media are completely insane and immoral people.

Meanwhile Avenatti had a Napoleon complex that caused him to lash out online. This being one such example.

"Update: TV News Hosted Michael Avenatti 254 Times in One Year"…

BEFORE: Avenatti exploited Stormy Daniels for the sake of keeping himself relevant.

NOW: Stormy Daniels hates Avenatti and sees the light.

For the people who like reading.

LEGAL DOCUMENTS of various CRIMES alleged to have been done by Michael Avenatti.…

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