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Our world needs more givers, love, and compassion. Please be kind. #FTTB

Jul 8, 2021, 5 tweets

What message is Mark Zuckerberg trying to communicate?

Reporter: “What's your message to platforms like Facebook?”

President Biden: “They're killing people.” ✨

“It’s easier to inspire people to anger than to other emotions… Facebook realized that if they change the algorithm to be safer, people will spend less time on the site, click on less ads. They’ll make less money.”
Whistleblower @FrancesHaugen_ @60Minutes

“Two-thirds of the times that people joined an extremist group on Facebook is because of a Facebook recommendation… Facebook’s executives knew that was going on… The problem with Facebook is Facebook.”
Roger McNamee (@Moonalice) @VelshiMSNBC #Velshi

“Facebook is stuck in a feedback loop they cannot get out of. Hiding this information because they feel trapped. They need to admit they did something wrong and they need to help solve these problems. That’s what moral bankruptcy is.” @FrancesHaugen

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