Adam Rifkin 🐼🌻 Profile picture
Our world needs more givers, love, and compassion. Please be kind. #FTTB
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture eDo Profile picture LeAnne L Profile picture BlackeyedSusan28 Is Fully Vaccinated Profile picture KEEP Kelly Monaco Sam FIRE Frank Valentini Profile picture 13 subscribed
Apr 30 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
@RachelBitecofer “Open up large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the cities… Create thousands and thousands of ‘high quality’ tents…”
Trump detention camp plan 7/26/22

#Project1933 #StopProject2025

@RachelBitecofer “We are essentially one vote away from the end of democracy as we know it.”
Andrew Weissmann


Jan 11 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
@Acyn How many elections must Trump lose before @RepRaskin no longer has to warn voters about him?

#TrumpIsANationalSecurityRisk @Acyn @RepRaskin “Trump’s lawyer argued that as president* he could order the assassination of rivals and face no prosecution unless he’s impeached and convicted. But of course he could just kill or threaten to kill Members of Congress who dare to impeach or convict him.”

Jul 8, 2023 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
“I’ll say what I want to say and if the consequence of that is losing money — so be it.”
Elon Musk to David Faber 5/16/23

“The Twitter thing is different, right? We are seeing in these recent years that Elon Musk has behaved erratically at times, that the biographical facts that you mentioned that led to him at times talking about his loneliness, his sadness…” @RonanFarrow

Mar 2, 2023 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
“I want to change the world,” said Tiny Dragon.

“Start with the next person who needs your help,” replied Big Panda.

🐼 🐉 #BigPandaAndTinyDragon
#KindnessMatters #TinyDragon
#LookForTheHelpers #BigPanda “I want to change the world... “Which is more important,” asked Big Panda, “the journey or the destination?”

“The company,” said Tiny Dragon.

🐼🐉 #BigPandaAndTinyDragon Image
Feb 18, 2023 • 8 tweets • 8 min read
“There are so many unanswered questions…lingering. How, for example, did Biden get 15 million more votes than his former boss Obama? Was the 2020 election a miracle? Honestly we don’t know and don’t expect an answer tonight.”
2/16/23 #FoxNewsLies #FoxLies
“WATCH: The Fox on air vs. off air comparison. To understand the depths of Fox’s hypocrisy, you really need to hear what the stars of Fox were saying on TV versus what they were telling each other behind the scenes.” @mehdirhasan

#FoxFiles @allinwithchris
Nov 11, 2022 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent… but the ones most adaptable to change.”

“The only constant in life is change.” Heraclitus

“Heraclitus…says that all things pass and nothing stays [and] says you could not step twice into the same river.” Plato

Top 15 best, most valuable global brands ranking bar chart race #dataviz animation:
Aug 27, 2022 • 200 tweets • 216 min read
“My top-level, expert legal analysis of the [Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI search] affidavit is: Why ain’t this dude in jail? What does this man have to do to go to jail?”

@ElieNYC @DrJasonJohnson @CrossConnection
#TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments #TrumpESPIONAGE
“Just the classification markings referred to in this [redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant] affidavit — made the hair on the back of my neck stand up… Literally human lives can be at stake.” @FrankFigliuzzi1

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
Aug 23, 2022 • 31 tweets • 34 min read
“It’s a little embarrassing that after 45 years of research and study, the best advice I can give people is to be a little kinder to each other.” Aldous Huxley

🐼:@Pandamoanimum #KindnessMatters #Compassion
“Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.” Zig Ziglar

🎶:Bobby McFerrin teaches audience to back his track
Aug 18, 2022 • 180 tweets • 187 min read
“This was not just extreme carelessness with classified material, which is still totally disqualifying. This is calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct — a cover-up [with] false statements and lies to Congress and the American people.” #LockTrumpUp
“Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, says that Trump wants the Department of Justice to release the names of the witnesses who helped secure the search warrant for Mar-a-Lago.”@therecount

#TrumpIsANationalSecurityRisk #TrumpCrimeSyndicate
Aug 17, 2022 • 177 tweets • 184 min read
“#EspionageAct [doesn’t] mention classification at all. It talks about a specific type of information: national defense… The real question is, why would Trump WANT to declassify secrets that could harm the U.S.?”
.@AshaRangappa_ @TiffanyDCross @thereidout
“Trump has still not said a word of explanation as to why he took the documents, why he did not return them all, and what he was doing with them for over 18 months.” @AWeissmann_

🎶: #stilloneblackmansopinion…
Jul 8, 2022 • 209 tweets • >60 min read
“WE COULDN’T BELIEVE there were enough people to walk alongside them. One morning we woke up from an uneasy sleep and there was no more laughter…It mustn’t happen again. We can’t let it. We simply can’t let it happen again.”
Twilight Zone 1963 #NeverAgain
“California [will] make our own insulin at a cheaper price, close to at cost, and to make it available to all…
Because in California, we know people should not go into debt to receive life-saving medication.”
@GavinNewsom @CAgovernor #Insulin4all #Insulin
Jun 30, 2022 • 211 tweets • >60 min read
Pat Cipollone: The rioters have gotten to the Capitol, Mark.

Mark Meadows: [Trump] doesn't want to do anything, Pat.

Pat: Mark, something needs to be done or people are going to die and the blood is going to be on your f—ing hands.

#January6thHearings: Liz Cheney: The night before #January6th, President* Trump instructed Mark Meadows to contact both Roger Stone and Michael Flynn regarding what would play out the next day.

#CassidyHutchinson: That’s correct. That is my understanding.

Jun 27, 2022 • 221 tweets • >60 min read
“That could be their vehicle to impose a NATIONWIDE BAN on abortion—on the order of the U.S. Supreme Court… They will now wield [power] however they want…to change the country however they want without restriction, and you must do what they say.”@maddow

“What makes people think that this radical conservative Supreme Court…would allow Congressional law protecting #RoeVWade? I’ll tell you the answer: THEY WON’T…as long as we let these 6 conservative theocrats control our country…”
@ElieNYC @TiffanyDCross
Jun 21, 2022 • 233 tweets • >60 min read
Just 3 minutes after President* Trump’s #January6th tweet at 2:24pm about Mike Pence lacking “courage,” a mob of his supporters quickly filled the Capitol.

#TrumpCoupAttempt #January6thCommitteeHearings

“Dr. Eastman and President* Trump launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history. Their campaign was…a coup in search of a legal theory.”
Judge David Carter 3/28/22

#TrumpCoupAttempt #January6thHearings:
Jun 13, 2022 • 250 tweets • >60 min read
“President* Trump…followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani—to just claim he won and insist the vote counting stop. To falsely claim that everything was fraudulent… Millions of Americans believed him.”

#January6thHearings: “The Trump campaign knew these claims of voter fraud were false; yet, they continued to barrage small dollar donors, encouraging them to donate to ‘The Official Election Defense Fund.’ @January6thCmte discovered NO SUCH FUND EXISTED.”

Jun 10, 2022 • 282 tweets • >60 min read
“I made it clear I did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen…which I told [Donald Trump] was bullshit… The incumbent [cannot] stay in power based on its view unsupported by specific evidence there was fraud in the election.” Bill Barr
#January6thCommittee: “Did that affect your perspective about the election when Attorney General Barr made that statement?”

Ivanka Trump: “It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Barr, so I accepted what he was saying.”

May 30, 2022 • 304 tweets • >60 min read
It was easier for a 13-year-old boy to buy a rifle from a private seller at a gun show than to buy beer, cigarettes, porn, and lottery tickets. (🎥:#RealSports 2014)

Gun show loopholes still exist.

Senate Republicans won’t even vote to DEBATE safety laws. “We are at a point [where] we are going to have to mobilize a greater movement… Until the redemptive power of the love for all of our children is greater than the destructive power of the love of our guns and money, [nothing] is gonna change.”@CoryBooker

May 14, 2022 • 310 tweets • >60 min read
“Justice Roberts has said that the Supreme Court can self regulate. That’s simply not true. We’ve got one sitting Justice whose wife has been shown to have been planning the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6.”
@MondaireJones @RepMondaire @KatiePhang
“Justice Clarence Thomas [at AEI 5/13/22] bemoaned the leak of the SCOTUS opinion that will likely overturn Roe v Wade, [claiming] that when you lose trust in an institution, it changes that institution fundamentally.”
@KatiePhang @katiephangshow #RoeVWade
May 1, 2022 • 323 tweets • >60 min read
“We now have the evidence to support a story of the worst presidential political crime against the union in American history.” Jamie Raskin

@RepRaskin @January6thCmte @jamie_raskin #January6th
Laurence Tribe describes what “is being bandied about as the technique that they hope to use if they get Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and Alito and Thomas on board… to take the next election regardless of who wins.”

@tribelaw @JoyAnnReid @thereidout #TheReidOut
Feb 5, 2022 • 351 tweets • >60 min read
“President* Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election… Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.”

@Mike_Pence (on Feb 4, 2022) #LegitimatePoliticalDiscourse?
“If I run and if I win we will treat those people from January 6 fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.”
Donald Trump dangling pardons for insurrectionists, 1/29/22

Jan 8, 2022 • 349 tweets • >60 min read
“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

“The threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills. Debate them, vote… If that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster.” @JoeBiden