Mark Malone Profile picture
Notes, commentary & analysis from within the captured neoliberal state. Empathy is genetically hardwired. Inequality isn't. Views are definitely personal.

Jul 9, 2021, 15 tweets

Philip Dywer in the count centre with NP leader and #dbsbyelection candidate Justin Barrett.

An abysmal count so far and only a matter of time before Dywer and the Dublin core push to oust Barrett. Clearly the cleverer of the pair, Dywer took all the limelight in the campaign.

18 mths Covid-19
Multiple street demos
10,000's of leaflet drops
100's of hours creating & promoting social media content
Big canvas teams
And Barrett's full-time party wage from members subs.

Yet NP vote is *down 75%* on last general election.


A sign of the times as Dolores Cahill has a blazing row with both Barrett and likely NP leadership challenger Philip Dywer. Cahill remonstrated with both men, who encourage not wearing masks, for putting on masks themselves.

Principles and integrity not a big thing for all 3.

Justin Barret's actual vote percentage was 0.6688. The NP's 0.7% result was rounded up for the spreadsheet.

Which is actually closer to 0.65 than 0.7.

This might seem like a trivial splitting of hairs, but small things matter in small votes this size.


The National Party's vote compared with the number of spoil votes.

NP votes. 0.7%
Spoilt votes 0.6%

Please do RT from this thread. Tweets are most definitely intended to show how unwanted the politics of hate are in our country. Demoralise them.

Working-class communities totally rejected the politics of hate and fear of the NP. Tallies show their abysmal smattering came from various economic backgrounds.

Max respect to all who worked countering their message and their organising over this campaign.

No pasarán!

A reminder, if you need it, that the NP is much closer to a street gang than a political organisation.

Justin Barrett have build a cult filled with hards lad who job is to be at his beck and call

Just another political organisation in the marketplace of ideas?


A street gang with a cult leader?

You decide.

Keeping in the thread

In a day that couldn't get much worse for the far-right in Ireland, much worse.
Irish Freedom Party, the astroturf organisation headed by Hermann Kelly, have just published a statement denouncing Dolores Cahill as a grifter.

This is ironic coming from Kelly.

OK really struggling to keep up with all the far-right F's today.

G*mma O Doherty, who has probably has a higher number of court appearances than Justin Barrett got votes, has been ordered remove defamatory videos.

O Doherty and Water both “devoid of substance”

The fash will be crying into their protein shakes tonight wondering why working class communities rejected them.

But imagine.

What do you think this image could look like if they got 5%? 10%?

This is why you grind them down when they are small.
Make no apologies against hate

They really are delusional.

This is the head of the NP youth wing. Written like a cult member. Every defeat is just another sign of future victory.

Also worth noting that Dolores Cahill outburst at the polls was probably rooted in her anger about losing control of her Telegram chat group.

It has over 20000 members.

And an rogue admin aligned to Ben Gilroy hijacked it earlier this week

"Nothing stands in our way of victory, except defeat"

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