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Jul 9, 2021, 16 tweets

Art Of Living An Ordinary Life In An Extraordinary Way

--- A Thread ---

1. Talk to Old People

Some wisdom can’t be found on Google. Talk to the old people about their experiences in life and what is their biggest lesson.

You will gather years of learnings in a single conversation. This one is a must!

2. Read

Everyone reads these days, but what sets apart the smart ones from the not-so-smart ones is what they read.

Read books that fuel your imagination, add value to your life, motivates you to bring about a positive change,

and most importantly, read about the failures of successful people, so you know what you ‘DON’T’ have to do.

3. Create

Two things happen when you have a lot going on in your mind:

a) You either talk it out or
b) You create

When you talk, there may or may not be a structure, but when you sit down to create; you slow down your thought process and express in a far, far better way.

So, paint, draw, write; simply express in the language of art.

4. Learn

The world today is at your fingertips; a new skill is literally a click away.

Invest your time in continuous learning and see how you change as a person every single day.

And what to say about in decades!

5. Lead Conversations Like A Boss

What you read and learn, add them in your conversations.

This will not only impress the other person but also deepen your own learning.

A trick – try to quote an example or a fact in your conversations. This will add value and bring clarity to your conversation.

6. Eat Clean & Workout

Eat simple, piping hot, home-cooked meals and work out like a beast.

This single habit will set you apart from the majority of the people. It will not only keep you physically fit, but also mentally.

You maybe tempted to eat junk and lie on the couch for hours, and so this process may seem painful, but remember this saying,

‘Pain is just weakness leaving your body.’

7. Be A Great Friend

The only way to have great friends is to first be a great friend. There is NO other way.

Be there for your friends when they need you and you will have the strongest support system in return.

Let your conversations with them be about growth, new ideas and visions.

Motivate them and be motivated by them!

Ultimately, you are who you hang out with.

8. Meditate

Include mediation in your daily routine and see your life transform.

You can change your mind, body and soul with this simple spiritual practice.

Connecting with God and your inner self is legit the best thing you can do for yourself and others around you.

So, these were 8 ordinary habits, but with extraordinary outcomes.

If you can think of more, list them down!

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