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Consul Populis, Mentor for Substance Addicts and/or Homeless. Politics, Motorcycles, Linux, Movies. You can buy me a coffee at

Jul 9, 2021, 7 tweets

MARK CAVENDISH equals Eddy Mercks, the greatest cyclist of all time on 34 Stage Wins in the Tour De France.

Give him a Knighthood.


Take THAT, Wall Street Journal !!!

This is the hardest sport in the world. Period.

Neutral fans - yes, even the French - love Mark Cavendish.

Race organisers love him. He shows so much joy and passion.

Such a great ambassador for the sport.

The media have had a love/hate relationship with him in the past. Well , they love him now.

Cavendish average speed over the last 200m -

57.1kph == 35.5mph.

I love that @itvcycling have ended their coverage today with Daft Punk's 'One More Time'.

'One More Time' indeed.

In Paris ? On the Champs-Élysées ? Where Cav has won 4 times before ?

It's not unthinkable.

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