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The great thieves lead away the little thief. https://t.co/bv3vC3lKLS

Jul 9, 2021, 7 tweets

This is from the latest Fauci email drop. It's a pre-pandemic email from Ping Chen, Fauci's man in China (didn't know NIAID had someone over there).

Looks like they were keeping a close eye on projects.

Notice the b(5) "inter-agency or intra-agency" redaction being abused here.

Fauci's man in China went to the Wuhan Lab to discuss "common interests" (p. 26).

Fauci knew exactly what was going on over there.

NIH funded 2221 projects in China from 2010-18. Fauci's share is by far the biggest.

Out of the 2221 Chinese collaboration projects funded by NIH, exactly zero grants went directly to the Wuhan Lab. Instead, they went via Daszak.

Why is that? NIH didn't have a problem funding Wuhan University directly, why not the lab?

Fauci's man in China wanted to attend the Wuhan Lab's opening but wasn't invited.

That's pretty strange given that Fauci funded the lab's activities. The excuse about French attendees is also weird. Wonder what that was all about.

When Fauci's man in China finally got to visit the Wuhan lab, he wasn't allowed to take photos.

What was James Le Duc, director of the Galveston National Laboratory, planing to do at the Wuhan Lab that warranted redaction?

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