#LoveWarrior #TruthJusticeLove Profile picture
Laura Fielding, Founder of grassroots creative coalition of craftivists for Medicare for All & state single payer solidarity.

Jul 9, 2021, 8 tweets

Thank you, @PunchUpPod, for inviting me on to talk about the #RedBerets for Medicare for All and @WholeWashington! We are proud to have been the first two orgs to partner with @M4M4ALL — In 40 cities July 24th!

One Good Thing Laura Fielding via @YouTube

Here is an excerpt!!♥️🧶

#RedBerets #M4M4ALL July 24th‼️🏩

I would like to thank @iam4M4A for reaching out until and persisting until we decided you know what…ballot initiatives or no ballot initiative, we always have to make time to fight on all fronts for national improved Medicare for All, & I’m VERY grateful to @M4M4ALL for LEADING!

I’m grateful to @CaptainStack, for leading @M4M4ALL_Seattle and I’m deeply thankful for @GeoDavenport who wishes always there to help, if she can!!

She almost always can—we don’t call her the Wa state #OrganizerInChief for nuthin‼️🤣🍎🏩🧶

#M4M4ALL — join us on July 24th!!♥️

Thank you to the amazing craftivists who happen to be on twitter because there are some who are not—but huge gratitude to these people because they are helping @WholeWashington fund ballot initiative 1362!!🧶🍎✍️


To new crafters and those who have contributed over time,


Thank you!!! And to a couple of crafters whose @s I have forgotten, apologies!!

Thank you to all of the indy media who have been amazing!♥️

What else, Fran?!

What would we #RedBerets — who are really just crafters, artists, nurses, people who wear our work and organize for healthcare justice…

What would we like to say to the @M4M4ALL and everyone who might be considering joining in to attend their local march?!!♥️

By the way, what’s up with all the trolls on my feed?

Men who wear pussy hats who don’t fight for health equity for women — Medicare for ALL, ought to take the hand knit vagina off of their heads.

We craft #RedBerets for ALL HUMAN BEINGS to have healthcare justice!


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