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Jul 10, 2021, 22 tweets

CPAC Dallas thread pt. 2…

Former Dallas Cowboys defensive tackle Chad Hennings is speaking at CPAC about the “left” denying health care choices and religious liberty.

CPAC is hosting Santiago Abascal as a speaker. Abascal is the leader of Spain’s far right Vox Party that wants to repeal LGBT rights in the country.

Caitlyn Jenner being called “Bruce” and chased out of CPAC Dallas. Afterwards, one CPAC attendee refers to Caitlyn as “tr*nny” multiple times.

Candace Owens is scheduled to appear at CPAC despite recent comments that Republican candidates who stay at the Trump Hotel should be investigated.

An outreach director for Latina & Latino voters says his job is difficult because, “to be honest, a lot of people still aren’t so fond of President Trump.”

At CPAC, they have an effigy of Beto O’Rourke.

Beto O’Rourke effigy at CPAC.

“It digs at my soul.”

Kayleigh McEnany’s sister, Ryann, says the arrest of January 6th insurrectionists “haunts” her.

Ryann says she is unsure if her employer, America First Policy Institute, backs the insurrectionists.

Ryann McEnany busts out laughing when someone calls White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, “Chucky’s sister.”

Ryann is Kayleigh McEnany’s sister.

A card describing the future #CoupPart2 plan to install Trump back into office. These are being circulated at CPAC.

The official CPAC app is pushing the big lie, while Republican state legislatures are passing actual voter suppression bills.

At CPAC, TikTok influencer Rebecca Wilhoit says “the LGTBQ” shouldn’t use the rainbow flag because “of their sin of being gay.”

Rebecca is the niece of Republican state Rep. Jerry Sexton of Tennessee.

CPAC speaker Maj Toure explaining how Black conservatives can be used to shield white conservatives from claims of racism.

“White History Month” and “Black Lives Maga” shirts spotted at CPAC.

More pics of Mike Reyes, the man above in the “White History Month” shirt. He was in DC on January 6th.

Mike Reyes hanging out with US Reps. Matt Gaetz and Madison Cawthorn, and James O’Keefe from Project Veritas at CPAC.

In the middle of his CPAC speech defending the United States’ record on slavery, Glenn Beck says, “chicks dig me,” and runs his hands up and down his body saying:

“Oh, yes! And I smell like a Hostess Twinkie.”

At CPAC, Glenn Beck held up a KKK hood from his personal collection, and disingenuously compared the Klan to Antifa.

Beck ignored how the KKK aligns with the right today.

Glenn Beck justifies Republican voter suppression bills being passed in multiple states by presenting a Democratic Party poll tax receipt from 1932, almost 90 years ago.

On stage, Glenn Beck was showing off his KKK hood and slavery shackle collection.

Backstage, he was giving private showings of his Nazi Holocaust relics. #CPAC

Beck collects Nazi armbands worn by victims of Hitler’s Germany.

The CPAC app is desperately plugging social media alternatives over and over again.

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