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Jul 10, 2021, 12 tweets

@GMacdonaldSNP @joannaccherry This would be one of your safety concerns we’d hope you could work with us on. Under an ETRO the community could try & adapt a range of different measures to get this area prioritised for local families instead of racing cars. /1

Ripping everything out achieves zero & is regressive. The area outside your office ‘could’ be great for a signalised crossing and plenty empty space next to the pavement which could be used to create ‘place’, bike racks, planters, seats integrated into crossing design/ 2

Opportunity here to create better transition from Canal & WOL connections to pavement & cycle lanes. Bikes have to use pavement to reach connections, not great. Crossing here too perhaps? Redesign could bind in floating parking with permeable surface, planting to calm traffic/3

Great option for a proper pedestrian crossing here, loads of local folk & users use this route to Redhall Walled Garden, Redhall Allotments & to access local walking routes. Previously the tiny islands always blocked by parked cars. Let’s not go back to that /4

There is a poor access point opposite the junction with Kingsknowe Dr. Very poor sight lines when crossing here on foot/bike. More could be done here. Poor design. Popular crossing point to park though. Solution & improvements needed. /5

Much more could be done to all the side road junctions along Lanark Rd to give priority to pedestrians and cycles crossing them. /6

Opportunity here by bus stop area next to Kingsknowe golf course to allow extreme rainfall event floodwaters to drain onto golf course. /7

Crossing point from Hailes Grdns to Clovie network has poor site lines. We note a fully pedestrianised crossing is planned here as part of the West Edinburgh Link project which will be welcomed by all locally. /8

There is a huge need to take a serious look at a floating bus stop design with key stakeholders. A solution needs to found that shares risks appropriately in line with transport hierarchy & meets everyone’s needs./9 @EdinburghBUG @AccessPanelNet @LivingStreetsEd @SpokesLothian

Lanark Rd would be a great choice for including a properly studied bus design under an ETRO that could provide learning/insight building on evidence from Napier Uni analysis of Leith Walk ones previously. drscottarthur.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/edinbu… /10

There is much that can be learned from using Lanark Rd under ETRO which can be used to inform other schemes & for having a serious look at improving Colinton, Juni Green, Currie, Balerno & Kirknewton. Let’s not waste that chance/11

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