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South West Edinburgh 20 Minute Neighbourhoods. Positive, sustainable changes. Live well locally. FREE e-cargobike hire & Tool Library @sw20etl #streetsNOTroads
Nov 26, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
First New Town Design:

A missed opportunity to create spaces with greenery and much wider pavements where cars are guests - like every other major European capital?

Where are the trees, bollards, seats and sustainable drainage?

Lessons not being learned fast enough. 🧵

We know that without bollards we’ll have blocked pavements and years of costs from cracked expensive paving slabs (repair & injuries).

So why are bollards not in the design?

Otherwise we end up with another Elm Row, Leith Walk or Parliament Square

Sep 13, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Worth re-tweeting this thread on the #Edinburgh Workplace Parking Levy.

It’s a key tool for the council in hitting its own car km reduction target.

@SanneDD @kevin_lang @CouncillorCowdy @CllrScottArthur @DAstonSNP @julebandel @KatrinaFaccenda @FinlayMcF @KayleighFONeill

One this is for sure: there is no perfect policy.

But there’s much scope for mitigating it’s impacts.

However exemptions will need to be managed carefully should it not become too watered down or difficult to administer.

Jun 11, 2022 18 tweets 19 min read
🚨 SW20 on Tour 🚨

🧵 Wee trip to Waltham Forrest, London

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, accessible public transport, walkable communities and safe cycling - showing what’s possible in a UK context.

Many lessons for Edinburgh..!

#StreetsNotRoads The local authority here delivered traffic calming/reduction projects know as Mini Holland schemes
Jun 10, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
🚨New Bike Bus🚨

Details here of the Bike Bus SW: Juniper Green Primary School👇

Local parents (and kids!) will launch the route to #JuniperGreen Primary on 24 June. It’s being organised by local parents in connection with the school. It’s so popular, a second meeting point in Baberton has already been arranged!


See more on our blog

Feb 16, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Myth buster: workplace parking levy

Lots of commentary about this POTENTIAL policy, so we took a look.

In short: build for the city you want, not the cars that commute into it.

🧵 FACTS: Employers pay the levy via a licence to the Council.

Nottingham exempts all employers with fewer than 10 spaces. 10+ pay £415/year per space.

c80% of employers pass it on.

In 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿, blue badge spaces parking at GPs Hospitals & hospices are exempt.

Credit @SueFlack1 👇 Image
Dec 9, 2021 30 tweets 12 min read
What can we learn from elsewhere about traffic calming the wide roads in SW Edinburgh?

Rapid fire thread🧵

👇 Watch this from @mobycon @modacitylife @lennartnout

40 years of traffic calming experience 🇳🇱 distilled into 10 mins!

10 mins to change your perspective!🤯

🎥 26min 40sec to 36min 15 sec.

@LivingStreetsEd @best_edinburgh @SpokesLothian
Oct 8, 2021 8 tweets 7 min read
Excellent to see council officers recommending significant improvements on #LanarkRoad to Committee next week.

✅ Fantastic proposal to have two🚦proper crossings that will hopefully have cross-community support.

A proposal helps walking, wheeling and scooting! The scheme also looks like it has reduced vehicle speed on #LanarkRoad. 👍
Oct 7, 2021 6 tweets 11 min read
Have a look at our latest blog on how the #spacesforpeople #TravellingSafely scheme has improved safety & visibility near junctions.

Summary: Good progress, but more can be done with permanent designs.

hellosw20.wixsite.com/sw20ed/post/to… ✅Junctions are clear of parked 🚗
✅Some junctions are now less wide
✅speeds have reduced

❌more dropped kerbs and tactile needed - no change
❌pedestrian priority could be enhanced with pavements being level across junctions.
Oct 6, 2021 7 tweets 9 min read
🚸New Blog Post🚸
1/We hear a lot about how things have got more dangerous for pedestrians, children, elderly & disabled people since the temporary Lanark Road 'Travelling Safely' scheme was implemented, and that the scheme should be removed on that basis. hellosw20.wixsite.com/sw20ed/post/fo… 2/But does that argument hold up when scrutinised? Should we return Lanark Road to how it was pre-pandemic? What would the impacts on pedestrians, bus passengers, parents, elderly &, disabled people be?The new blog looks at the 7 existing crossing points on Lanark Road.
Sep 25, 2021 16 tweets 20 min read
🚨SW20 on Tour 🚨

We took a trip.

Sometimes in Edinburgh its difficult to imagine a better future. We’re keen to show what might be possible.

Where did we go?

📍 Paris? Copenhagen? Amsterdam? ✈️

Nope…. …🚂 40 miles to the West: Glasgow!

It faces the same issues:

🏥⛑health & 💰inequality
📖legislation / TROs
🅿️🚗legacy of 60s / 70s planning
⛰🌦hills & weather
💰funding challenges
😷Covid affecting local business & more working from home.

But it has managed to deliver…
Jul 10, 2021 12 tweets 7 min read
@GMacdonaldSNP @joannaccherry This would be one of your safety concerns we’d hope you could work with us on. Under an ETRO the community could try & adapt a range of different measures to get this area prioritised for local families instead of racing cars. /1 Ripping everything out achieves zero & is regressive. The area outside your office ‘could’ be great for a signalised crossing and plenty empty space next to the pavement which could be used to create ‘place’, bike racks, planters, seats integrated into crossing design/ 2