It’s never too late: Vijaya Srivastava took her first swimming lesson at age 68. She’s now a daily swimmer.
Growing up in India, she never had access to swimming pools. She feared drowning. Then one day her physician mentioned that regular laps would improve her health.
Srivastava hired a high school student neighbor with lifeguard training to teach her. She started her lessons in the shallow end, still petrified of drowning.
After a few months, Srivastava finally had the courage to venture to the deep end. Onlookers erupted in applause. She now swims as many as twenty laps across the pool.
"Not too many people my age, or in my family, swim. It’s a good feeling that I’ve done this. I talk to my family back home in India. My brother can’t believe it," Srivastava told us.
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