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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

Jul 12, 2021, 5 tweets

Just taking this absurd Taibbi tweet at face value (rather than pointing out the obvious, that Matt & his buddies ignored/defended infinitely worse & more pervasive corruption during the Trump years)... it would be like a 2 hour story, tops. In reality, probably not even.

This is just so comical. Glenn was DEAD SILENT for 4+ years, when Trump & his family were profiting off the presidency like never before. And when he wasn't dead silent, he was whatabouting it with some weak tea 'whatabout duh Dems' BS. Such transparent, disingenuous wankers.

Here's how much Glenn cared about familial 'corruption' during the Trump years (in between getting retweets from Donald Trump Jr.):

"Oh, you think Joe Biden is corrupt, well here are all the previous people who were corrupt. It's not his fault, he's just following DC's example" is a thing you will never hear Glem say.

When Donald Trump's fixer is caught soliciting bribes for him: Get over it. Standard DC sleeze. Just how things work)

When Biden's son tries to sell his artwork: This is one of the most grave acts of corruption I have ever witnessed. Clear as day. Brazen influence peddling.

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