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Co-founder of @AnalyticsUtd_. Day job @thecalmzone. Co-host @TheCopaClub. Featured @WestHam, and prev. @TheAthleticFC + @TifoFootball_.

Jul 12, 2021, 40 tweets


This thread has taken me a hot minute, but finally, after a lot of time and effort, it is here.

It features some of the players that we've been linked with in three key positions - ST, CB, and CM - as well as a few of my own recommendations.

The metrics I have used to create the radar charts are largely the same as in previous threads, and so I will not list them all here.

If, however, there are any metrics that you aren't sure about, then just ask and I'll let you know!

We've been linked with a ton of players, some of whom have already moved to other clubs e.g., Patson Daka to Leicester.

I'll be focusing on 6 players in each position that we've been linked to, and then highlighting 4 or 5 other players who I think could be good signings.

We'll start with the strikers, our most pressing concern this transfer window given our only options are an injury-prone Antonio, and an unproven Xande.

Antonio has been decent for us, as the radar shows, but its obvious that we'd benefit from bringing in another striker or two.


First up, a striker who caught the eye at #EURO2020 this summer, where he lead the line well and his link up play was impressive.

His performances for #UKR were a continuation of his club form, having bagged 23 goals and 8 assists for KAA Gent last season.


If Yaremchuk enjoyed a good 2020/21 in Belgium then Onuachu had an absolute blinder.

33 league goals saw him win both the Golden Boot and the Player of the Season award.

At 6'7", you can only imagine the problems he'd cause defenders playing under Deadball David.


A player that has been on our radar since the arrival of his compatriots Souček and Coufal, Hložek is one of the most exciting prospects in European football.

He didn't get much game time at #EURO2020, but 27 senior career goals at just 18 is enough to excite me.


Tammy seems to be at the top of a lot of fans' target lists, and whilst I think he is a good striker, he wouldn't be my first choice.

Why? Two reasons. 1) I'm not sure he would suit our style of play, compared to other options. 2) Chelsea will demand a stupid fee.


I had to include him in the thread as he's a player who's been on our shortlist for a while, having been linked again as recently as today.

Signing him seems unlikely now though, as his 18 league goals secured another season of UCL football for Sevilla.


Wrapping up the linked strikers is Malen, a standout player at #EURO2020 who has been the subject of Moyes' praise before.

He'd be unreal, but Dortmund and Liverpool are also interested, and with Raoila as his agent I can imagine him going to a big big club soon.


Onto my recommendations now, starting with the player that I think would cost us the most.

The Iranian has 57 goals and 16 assists for Zenit over the last three seasons, so it's no surprise that interest is reportedly high, with Roma, Milan and Porto all linked.


A slightly cheaper option, Koïta would be my number one target, but signing him is probably unlikely given Daka's recent departure from RB Salzburg.

14 goals and 4 assists in the league last season, despite starting just 8 of the 17 games he appeared in - clinical.


I'm a firm believer in finding talent in lower leagues, and Sadiq absolutely tore it up in LaLiga 2 last season, bagging 22 goals and 4 assists in all competitions.

Almería missed out on promotion, so I imagine he'll be after a move - apparently Guardiola is a fan.


This is actually my own recommendation, but I do think we have actually been linked with a move for him before.

He's not the fastest, but he's a clinical striker, is handy in the air, and is an aggressive presser who recovers possession well - I think he'd be decent.

Onto CM now, a position that absolutely needs bolstering in order to lighten the load on Souček and Rice during a busy season.

I've used Souček's radar, but have provided a mixture of defensive-minded and more progressive CMs, and in an ideal world we'd sign one of each.


He featured in a previous thread of mine and has since been reported as a target, make of that what you will.

Thorsby has all the attributes to become Souček 2.0 - he's tall, good in the air, and whilst not the most progressive of CMs, he's still a solid passer.


Being linked to West Ham is almost part and parcel of being a Czech footballer now, and Kral is no exception.

Honestly, I wasn't particularly impressed with what I saw from him at the Euros, but he is still young and seems to be highly-rated by Coufal and Souček.


Another player I've been keen on for a while, Herrera's impressive loan performances for Granada have earned him a number of suitors.

He's recently been linked to Leeds, but I'd be surprised if we hadn't also been in contact with the combative midfielder's agent.


Vanaken is more of an unorthodox 10 than a natural central midfielder, scoring 17 goals in each of his last three seasons in Belgium.

His passing ability, combined with his height and strength make him more than capable of playing well in a deeper role though.


A standout player in a surprisingly impressive Finland team this summer, I can only imagine his stock has risen off the back of his performances.

Gerrard will want him to stay but given Rangers' depth in this position it's fair to assume they'd listen to offers.


The first of my CM recommendations is a product of the Ajax youth academy, which is usually a good thing.

Matusiwa is an excellent defensive midfielder who excels at recovering possession, whilst also progressing the ball well too - ideal cover for Rice.


Another midfielder who is defensively sound, and at 6'4" you know that he'd be an added menace to our corners.

Having missed out on the Denmark squad this summer, despite being one of the best players in the RPL last season, I imagine he'd welcome a move.


The young Turkish maestro has established himself as a classy box-to-box midfielder playing on the left side of a midfield three under Dick Advocaat.

His energy and work-rate would impress Moyes, and his technical ability and vision would make him a great addition.


The most attacking of all my recommendations, I'm surprised the young playmaker hasn't already left Dinamo Zagreb.

Dubbed the 'next Luka Modric', I imagine he's on the radar of a number of top clubs, including Milan who see him as a suitable Çalhanoğlu replacement.


The last of my CM recommendations is a little less polished and proven, but his form for Flamengo has been impressive and he could become a real talent.

He's a well-rounded, energetic midfielder who's as good at tackling as he is bringing the ball up the pitch.

Finally, we're onto the CBs, another position which Moyes is reportedly keen to strengthen this window, and rightly so given the departure of Balbuena.

The CBs we do have aren't the youngest either, so reducing the average age of our defence with some new faces would be wise.


If reports are to be believed, then Milenković is the CB that we are most interested in, and rightly so given his quality and sky-high potential.

Unsurprisingly, he has a number of suitors, including Spurs, and Fiorentina look to be pretty firm on his price.


Another player we've been heavily linked with, and with Marseille looking like they're willing to sell him for a cut-price, this could be a good deal.

Adding a CB with his passing ability would be very positive, and would have a huge impact on our build-up play.


A player that I am a huge admirer of, having featured him in a previous CB thread of mine, and whom we have been linked to recently.

He's left-footed, aerially dominant, an excellent passer of the ball, and solid in the tackle - the dream CB, and Ogbonna successor.


Another young, tall, solid, progressive CB that can also do a decent a job at RB, he'd be a solid buy.

A move away from Bologna has been on the cards for a while, and whilst a number of clubs are interested, it's Spurs that are in pole position at the minute.


If the rumours are true, we did actually bid £10.3m in June, but we were told that we'd need to increase the fee before it would be considered.

He looks to be a monster though, excelling in most departments, the only question is how he would handle the step up.


Sullivan loves a freebie, and with the Serbian looking for a move to a=the Premier League there's reason to believe this one could happen.

He's not the youngest, but he is still a good CB, and so I wouldn't be against signing him alongside someone younger.


Onto my recommendations now, and to put it bluntly, this guy is an absolute beast in every department.

Defensively he's extremely good, winning 75% of his defensive duels. He's also good in the air, chipping in with a few headed goals, and has solid passing stats.


If we're after a left-footed CB, which we should be given Ogbonna's age, then we could do much worse than this lad.

He was a key part of a defence that conceded less goals than Bayern last season, helping Union Berlin defy expectations and qualify for the ECL.


Onto some younger options now, starting with this exciting ball-playing CB whose form for Augsburg earned him his first senior call up to the national team.

Young players with high potential are who we should be signing, and Uduokhai absolutely fits the bill.


Yet another talented player earning his stripes over in Belgium, Cuesta has looked solid playing as a RCB for Genk this season.

Surprisingly, I've not seen his name linked to any clubs, though this could have something to do with the three red cards he picked up.


Last but not least is Panzo, a product of the Chelsea academy who made his senior debut for Monaco in 2018.

Now playing for Dijon, he was a standout performer in Ligue 2 last season. He's likely not ready to start just yet, but is an exciting homegrown prospect.

C'est fini, at last.

I hope you all enjoyed scrolling through this, and I'd be interested to know which of these players you'd most like us to sign, if any.

A late addition, as per @DJTiale's request.

I've never been that interested in Belotti, partly because I thought that if he was any good then he'd have moved.

Clearly this is very naive, and having done my own research I am now of the opinion that he'd be a good signing for us.

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