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Jul 12, 2021, 7 tweets

🍫 Did you know the decline in our sex hormones as we reach our 40s and 50s can leave us craving “quick-fix” refined carbs and sugar?…

🍩 “Free” sugars make it much harder to avoid the pitfalls of excessive sugar intake.

🍭They can cause blood sugar spikes and over time, insulin resistance – the precursor to type 2 diabetes

🍎 These “free” sugars tend to come in packets, bottles and jars, as opposed to naturally occurring sugars that come in, say, an apple

🍪 Have you been craving sugary snacks?

Here are three easy ways to eat less sugar 👇…

🥤 Eat your fruit, don’t drink it

➡️ Once you juice the fruit you remove the fibre (the good stuff) and leaves the concentrated fructose

🥨 Switch up your snacks

➡️ Increase your intake of healthy fats to prevent cravings…

🧁 Try the next gen sugar alternatives

➡️ Try baking with sugar alternatives which are made from sugar alcohols like xylitol and erythritol.


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