Ben Lorber Profile picture
Senior Research Analyst @PRAEyesRight. I research, write & train on the U.S Right. Co-authoring a book on antisemitism @melvillehouse. stutterer he/him

Jul 13, 2021, 12 tweets

We know white nationalist Nick Fuentes- who are the groypers that follow him? Let’s look at some attendees of Fuentes’ Dallas speech outside CPAC last week- high school students, TikTok influencers, Turning Point USA activists, non-white groypers & longtime white power activists

LanceVideos, aka 19-year old Lance Johnston of Sherman, Texas, is a Gen-Z conservative influencer whose TikTok account, massively popular among right-wing teens, had over 143k followers & 8.6 million likes before it was banned in March.

In the video above, Lance clearly doesn't want to be seen at Nick's event. He's a prominent speaker at Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit this weekend, 3rd year in a row. @TPUSA has strenuously distanced itself from groyper white nationalism in the past- will that change?

Then there's LatinoZoomer, i.e. Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez, who just graduated from Karen Wagner High School in San Antonio Texas. Under monikers like Sp*cWaffen, he regularly posts neo-Nazi content on Instagram & TikTok & clearly has some identity issues to work out.

Then there's One Young Patriot, a 15-year-old streamer from Atlanta GA who marched with Nick through CPAC & was quickly booted. He was clearly star-struck when older groypers taught him how to tie his tie live on stream. I hope he comes to his senses & leaves this mess soon.

The groyper who helped him tie the tie is Ryan Sanchez i.e. CultureWarCriminal, veteran of white power groups like Rise Above Movement & Identity Evropa, recent Marine Corps Reservist, active across SoCal. See this writeup on Sanchez from @LCRWnews…

Mixed-race groyper streamer JordanB insisted "there's nothing wrong with white people advocating for their own self-interest, and I say this as a black African-American". More than Latinx groypers, JordanB is routinely bullied in the movement- foundational anti-blackness at work

Recent high school graduate Kai Schwemmer of Salt Lake City, another conservative Gen Z TikTok influencer whose Kai Clips account has 53k followers & 2.6 million likes, met Nick days earlier in Vegas. Kai contributes to newly-formed @yipinstitute & hopes for a career in politics

The groypers have pull among right-wing high-school & college kids, including through courting Gen Z social media influencers like Lancevideos, Kai Clips & others. This fall, groypers will continue organizing in national & local campus conservative groups…

Unique among contemporary white nationalist groups, the groypers openly accept non-whites in their movement. They represent an emergent strand of 'multiracial white nationalism', alongside what @DLamontJenkins & @cloeefcooper call the multiracial far-right…

Lol, keep crying about it Nazis!

It's also amusing that the groypers know they looked sloppy, cringey & in their words 'unoptical' in their awkward, lonely & buffoonish march through the halls of the CPAC conference, & are now chastising themselves about it

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