Ben Lorber Profile picture
Senior Research Analyst @PRAEyesRight. I research, write & train on the U.S Right. Co-authoring a book on antisemitism @melvillehouse. stutterer he/him
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Jun 4 10 tweets 3 min read
Co-authored with @shane_burley1 & published by @melvillehouse, we offer a social movement approach to taking on antisemitism & building a just world… “The best book I’ve read on contemporary antisemitism & how to combat it. Careful, honest, eloquent & essential at this terrible moment.” – @PeterBeinart

Gift it to that friend, family or community member who is questioning dominant narratives…
May 1 7 tweets 3 min read
We're seeing the Overton Window for antisemitism on the establishment Right creak open in real time today. As Congress debates the Antisemitism Awareness Act, leading MAGA Republicans are voicing a new line of opposition: defending their right to say the Jews killed Jesus

First off, the Antisemitism Awareness Act is bad & should be opposed because the IHRA definition of antisemitism featured in it, would unconstitutionally restrict Israel-critical speech. @LaraFriedmanDC has a great thread on that here
Apr 25 4 tweets 2 min read
On last night's livestream, Christian nationalist organizers of today's 'United for Israel' march at Columbia explained that they're actually excited about rising antisemitism: it's a sign the End Times is near & Jews will convert to Christianity. Rally leader Sean Feucht: Rally leader Russell Johnson explains he stands with Israel because the country serves as a "redemptive sign", "proof positive" that the fast-approaching End Times will bring "massive souls turning to the Lord in the nation of Israel". These are Jews' supposed allies?!
Apr 17 5 tweets 2 min read
The ADL released its 2023 antisemitism audit yesterday & found a massive uptick. Antisemitism is on the rise right now, alongside Islamophobia & anti-Arab/Palestinian bigotry. But the ADL data includes a staggering amount of Palestine solidarity protests that are not antisemitic Image Seemingly for the first time, the ADL has logged rallies as an antisemitic incident simply if a chant like 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' is heard. Here's one block of nearly 20 'antisemitic incidents' in their data, all from one afternoon in December.
Mar 27 17 tweets 6 min read
In the last 4 days, the mainstreaming of antisemitism accelerated across the establishment Right. Well-known pundits at major outlets like Daily Wire and The Blaze praised Nick Fuentes, platformed conspiracies of Jewish power & called for converting Jews to Christianity 1/ Last week MAGA celeb Candace Owens parted ways with Daily Wire after months of criticizing Israel's genocidal war on Gaza in ways that frequently mobilized actual antisemitism (as distinct from legit criticism, which is extremely warranted)…
Nov 14, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
I’m at the big Israel rally in DC today to document support for Israel’s far-right attack on Gaza, one month in. As news breaks that antisemitic Christian Zionist leader Pastor John Hagee is speaking, I wanted to see the Christian Zionist support with my own eyes One Christian campus organizer for StandWithUs estimated that 3-4,000 Christian Zionists are here, mobilized by groups like Passages & Christians United for Israel through churches, campuses & online networks Image
Oct 27, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Last Sunday the US's largest pro-Israeli Right lobby group, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), held a 'Night to Honor Israel' where they outlined their frightening agenda of belligerent & total war-- fueled by Islamophobic, anti-Palestinian & antisemitic End Times messianism/ CUFI boasts 10-11 million members-- 3 million more than the U.S. Jewish population. They're driven by a Christian nationalist worldview where cataclysmic war in the Middle East ushers in Jesus's return & the conversion or damnation of Jews & Muslims…
Oct 13, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Last night there was a large gathering for Chicago's Jewish community at Anshe Emet, a flagship conservative shul, attended by leading rabbis & politicians from across the city. Senior Rabbi Michael Siegel gave opening remarks in which he proclaimed "The holy war against Amalek/ will be waged throughout the generations. Let us make no mistake, the face of Hamas is the face of Amalek and this is our people's war!...Israel has no choice but to fight and win decisively, and that is what it will is a war against Hamas, Hezbollah and ultimately Iran."
Aug 16, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday, a Jewish MAGA congressman unexpectedly condemned open Christian supremacy on Twitter. MAGA Twitter flipped out, and their aggressive reaction tells us something about the limits of Christian nationalists' tolerance of Jews in their vision for America 1/ Miller, former Trump advisor & House Rep from OH, pushed back against Christian supremacy- the belief that only Christians are 'saved' & everyone else condemned to damnation, a chauvinism that has wrought death & destruction for Jews & others for centuries. He quickly apologized
Aug 15, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Oliver Anthony, country singer behind the new conservative anthem 'Rich Men North of Richmond', has a public YouTube playlist recommending 'videos that make your noggin [head] get bigger'. Three of the 48 videos are devoted to antisemitic conspiracy theories about 9/11

Two videos feature the 'dancing Israelis' canard, widely popular across the white nationalist internet, alleging that Israelis celebrated the 9/11 attacks. Another is devoted to the conspiracy that a Jewish businessman took out an insurance policy & profited from the attack
Dec 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Exactly. That stream was a masterclass in two complementary, if dueling, strands of antisemitism-- and fixating on Kanye as the face of 'true' Jew-hatred lets white supremacy (& the literal white supremacists who have platformed him) off the hook Over & over Alex Jones tried to pivot to an ostensibly de-Judaized 'coded' antisemitism- 'I have no problem with Jews as a group, just with Nazi-loving Soros & the global transhumanist anti-white pedophile cabal'. Ye & Nick countered with 'the problem is Jews- & Hitler was good'
Dec 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Earlier this year, it seemed as if MAGA campus org Turning Point USA was relaxing its staunch 2019-era ban on Fuentes & groypers, & welcoming them back into the fold. Yesterday TPUSA leader Benny Johnson re-upped his widely-shared 2019 condemnation… Image The groypers, the wignats (literal National Socialists), & Richard Spencer are all celebrating yesterday's Ye-Hitler stunt. Virtually everyone else I'm seeing across the Right is shaking their heads & distancing
Dec 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Ye railing against Jews now on Alex Jones wearing a ski mask, waving some sort of net, speaking w/an Elmo voice. Remember the 2019 optics wars, groypers? Is this Nick's grand strategy to move the Overton window to mainstream antisemitism on the Right? Image If Ye was even slightly less unwell I think this campaign could've been dangerously effective at mainstreaming antisemitism on the U.S. Right. But this level of unwell thankfully discredits his antisemitism for ppl who might have otherwise been receptive to pieces of it
Nov 26, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Nick Fuentes will play a leading role in Ye’s 2024 presidential campaign. I’ve watched Fuentes closely since he rose to prominence 3 years ago & this could be his biggest break yet- a massive platform to move antisemitism & white nationalism mainstream After the collapse of the alt-right, Fuentes was able to build a cult following of disaffected Gen Z campus conservatives, & attract the attention & support of hard-right pundits, politicians & operatives because he is an effective messenger…
Nov 26, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
On tonight’s live stream Nick Fuentes announced indefinite hiatus for his nightly America First show, promising an upcoming announcement. May be Comms Director for Ye 2024 campaign, rumored in yesterday’s puff piece on Tim Pool’s website… As Fuentes’ show began tonight, Milo posted a video on Telegram of Ye saying ‘welcome to America First, we’ve got a great show for you tonight’- Fuentes’ opening phrase on his nightly show. Another strong symbol of support & seeming coordination
Oct 3, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Looking at the white nationalist groyper movement- with its large cadre of non-white activists- it became clear to me that non-white conservatives play key metapolitical roles in ‘permitting’ white identity politics for white people who might otherwise be hesitant to ‘go there’ I wrote about this earlier- basically, when non-white conservatives take the lead saying things like 'white lives matter' & 'whites are being replaced', it will help embolden whites to ditch the fear of being called white nationalists & own these positions…
Oct 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
My latest- last month I attended the 3rd annual National Conservatism conference in Miami. I saw rising leaders of the U.S. Right, determined to use state power to enforce their Christian nationalist vision of minority rule against democracy. Part 1 here-… This movement of elite far-right intellectuals, journalists & political operatives is laying the groundwork to finish what Trump started. Now NatCon has battle tanks like the Heritage Foundation, prominent insiders, & GOP leaders like Ron DeSantis on board…
Jul 24, 2022 15 tweets 9 min read
A peak into the USA's Gen Z fascist vanguard-🧵on some groypers & other white Christian nationalists at @TPUSA #SAS2022 in Tampa FL this weekend- the student summit of the US's largest campus conservative org, where Trump, MTG & many other MAGA leaders are speaking There's Carson Wolf, TPUSA leader & sophomore at Texas A&M, who was a diehard Nick Fuentes acolyte before backing away a couple months ago to rebrand his white Christian nationalist activism under American Virtue (more on that below) Image
Jun 9, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
.@kathrynajoyce & I name a new group of Gen-Z Christian fascists who also took part in terrorizing the Pride celebration in Dallas on Saturday, alongside John Doyle, Kelly Neidert & groypers-- the New Columbia Movement, a small, deeply antisemitic Christian nationalist network New Columbia Movement was formed in 2020 by a self-described Iron March (neo-Nazi forum) user, & a III% militiaman. Praising WW2-era fascism in Italy & Spain, they promote Christian nationalism, 'third position' fascism & antisemitism, & are building regional chapters nationwide Image
Mar 23, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Last week a Turning Point USA high school group attended a retreat connected to the white nationalist America First/groyper movement, where a speaker spread antisemitic conspiracies about "Jewish lobbies". Earlier this year the chapter brought a groyper leader to speak at school Last weekend 76Fest held its second weekend camping retreat in Lake Pleasant Regional Park outside Phoenix AZ. The retreat is a gathering point for Gen-Z groypers & Christian nationalists. One attendee last year hailed it as "Hitler Youth w/out the Hitler"…
Feb 27, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
When they come down from their post-AFPAC high in the next few weeks, I think a lot of groypers are going to realize how unstrategic it was for Fuentes to essentially praise Hitler on stage. By going full mask off Fuentes really shot himself & his movement in the foot Fuentes built the America First/groyper movement because he & others realized that media stunts like Richard Spencer’s ‘Heil Trump!‘ Hitler salute, & the presence of neo-Nazis at Unite the Right, doomed the alt-right to the fringe beyond 2016-2017, making it way less influential