Franak Viačorka Profile picture
Belarusian politician. Chief Political Advisor to Sviatlana @Tsihanouskaya. Alum of @americanU. Contact:

Jul 13, 2021, 9 tweets

The student's trial is taking place in Belarus. Yesterday they said their “last words”. I want you to read them. All of these young people are bright & intelligent - the complete opposite to those who are judging them. They are the future, which Lukashenka is trying to destroy.

Alana Hebrymariam, Sviatlana @Tsihanouskaya representative on the Youth:
«I am against violence. I supported the students who strived for a dialogue with the university administration to be heard. I won't admit the guilt for the crimes I never committed & don't regret it.»

Ksenia Syramolat:
«If you, the High Court, believe that it is criminal to follow the Constitution, it’s criminal not to lie, it’s criminal to study hard, it’s criminal to help people, then I will understand the motivation of the verdict & all the 8 months in the detention center»

Jana Arabeyka:
«Today I am celebrating 8 months since our detention. We spent 243 days in a place full of darkness, fear, and horror. But these 8 months could not convince me that fear destroys trust. Therefore, and for a hundred other reasons, my last word is «freedom».

Anastasia Bulybenka:
«I'm not a criminal. I am 19 years old, I am far from politics, but there are things that you understand at any age. I protested against the authorities, I am protecting against violence, humiliation, lawlessness, & lies. Because I can't turn my back on it.»

Ilya Trakhtenberg:
«What is the meaning of this criminal case? To show students that they are being brainwashed by a bunch of villains, students themselves are unable to act jointly. Regardless of what awaits me, I will remain a free person, because I can think independently»

Tatsiana Yakelchik:
«I did everything that is in the accusation following my conscience, indifference, and compassion. And these actions were not criminal. I have never violated the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.»

Victorya Hrankouskaya:
«I will not turn a blind eye to violence. My grandmother always said that violence & humiliation in the family should not be tolerated. Belarus is my home, and the people in it are like a big family.»

Kasia Budko:
«I love Belarus with all its pros and cons, even after eight months in prison. I am sorry for everything that is happening in our country. The most promising, excellent among us, students, are forced to leave, or...well imprisoned.»

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