Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Jul 14, 2021, 13 tweets


1/ When people think of Swiss, they think chocolate, cheese, banking

How about Big Pharma?

Pharma makes up *1/3* of their exports

& 6% of their gross domestic product (which is insane when you think of their banking income)

The 2nd largest exporter

2/ Let’s start with Sandoz, shall we?


They were made famous for the invention of LSD, immortalized in a song by the Animals, “A Girl Named Sandoz”

Much had been made of the power of LSD... I bet if Switz wanted it legal, it’d be fucking legal

3/ Sandoz was gobbled up by Novartis, which is... also Swiss

Novartis is HQ’d in Basel, which - if you’ve been following my thread - is the very lair of the dragon

Or more appropriately, the Top of the [Pyramid]

Don’t believe me? That’s fine, just ask...

4/ Ronald Bernard, who was groomed to join them

Oh wait, you can’t ask him, he died under extremely weird circumstances

After giving his tell-all interview about how he was moved up the [pyramid]

The Bank of International Settlements is the top

5/ But that’s a separate story

Back to Pharma

Sandoz + Ciba-Geigy = Novartis

& as you could easily guess, it’s right in the thick of all things C0VlD

6/ Novartis is currently headed by an American with a bad scrabble hand for a name

He got his degrees from Chicago & Harvard (shocker)

Oh & look at that, he is heavily involved with... BiII Gates in the “pandemic” response

7/ Oh look at that, they’re “combatting” more than just C0VlD

Sounds like the 2 of them are quite cozy

So a CEO, tied to Gates, in Basel... I think I can move on for now

8/ Not content with playing with our medical care,

Novartis also is apparently involved in gen-modding our crops too

Homeboys sure get around

9/ Ciba-Geigy was the forerunner to Novartis & apparently is a major pollution & cancer threat according to (of all groups) the Sierra Club

But don’t just take their word for it

CG lost a lawsuit & paid 69 families with children who got cancer from their water pollution

10/ It’s funny, the Left used to be all about pollution

& trust the science

Yet the C0VlD response involves “Dr Gates” & a company that gave cancer to children

& wants us to let them inject us with their shit

It makes sense as long as you don’t think about it

11/ Moving on

F. Hoffman-La Roche aka Roche

The largest Pharma company in the world - hey @AgesSnark looks kinda like a pyramid, eh?

Also in Basel

Kept in the family

Also involved in price-fixing, which led to a... wife killing herself? 🤔

Dead wives tell no tales...

12/ Roche was founded by this jolly fellow

He came from Basel’s elite families

His gravestone sure is... something

His son Emmanuel became a famous art collector in the 30s


He died however at a young age from a car accident

14/ Alright I need to take a tiny break; there’s so much here, it’s hard to keep things in a helpful order

But this is definitely a rich vein to dig

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