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Jul 14, 2021, 11 tweets

🇿🇦 "South Africa is facing its gravest domestic crisis since the end of Apartheid"

"That is the only possible assessment of the tide of chaos engulfed the country over the past week"

Read more from @RolandOliphant and @ThornycroftPeta ⬇️…

Since former president Jacob Zuma was jailed for contempt of court:

➡️More than thirty people have been killed
➡️Dozens of businesses have been sent up in flames
➡️Whole roads and communities have beenshut down…

🔴Johannesburg is almost completely shut down.

Residents are struggling to procure basics like cooking and heating gas in the middle of a bitterly cold winter…

🗣️"Apartheid and defiance of the state bred a culture of impunity. We came from an autocratic system," said William Gumede, a professor at the School of Governance at the University of Witwatersrand

🇿🇦"How on earth did the nation of Nelson Mandela come to this?"

Read more from @RolandOliphant and @ThornycroftPeta 👇…

🔴A "lawless vacuum" of looting and rioting has broken out in South Africa following the detention of former leader Jacob Zuma.

White militia have been accused of shooting at a car of unarmed Black South Africans

Read more ⬇️…

Looters are pictured standing outside a shopping centre alongside a burning barricade in Durban.

See this and other images of the violence in South Africa here 👉…

"The country’s alarming murder and car-jacking rates are a symptom of a deeper decay of law and order.

"That the jailing of a notoriously corrupt ex-president has caused such unrest reveals how deeply polarised the country remains"…

🔴72 people have lost their lives and the number of arrests has risen to 1,234 in South Africa's worst violence since Apartheid…

🇿🇦Analysis: How the surge of unrest in the wake of Jacob Zuma’s imprisonment has exposed stark divides in South Africa…

🔴A desperate mother was forced to throw her baby from a burning building in the South African city of Durban after looters set fire to shops on the ground floor…

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