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Women & children deserve privacy, dignity and safety. The public agree. #TheseWordsBelongToUs

Jul 14, 2021, 9 tweets


We have commissioned the the first-ever independent survey into attitudes to gender which has revealed widespread support among the Irish public for single-sex services and sports.1

#IrishGenderPoll #WeWillBeHeard

RedC questioned a representative sample of 1,001 adults on a range of gender-related issues.
It comes amid calls for a public debate over gender and sex based rights in the light of controversial decisions such as plans to roll out mixed-sex toilets in Irish secondary schools.2

MORE than three-quarters of respondents (77%) agreed that people should have the right to request that intimate medical examinations are carried out by a person of the same birth sex.
62% said public buildings such as schools and banks should have to provide single-sex toilets.3

FEWER than one in five (17%) agreed with the law that a person should be allowed to change their birth certificate as soon as they self-identify as the opposite sex.
34% thought it should be permitted once a person has partially or fully transitioned through hormones or surgery.4

THE majority of those that express an opinion believe sex offenders should not be allowed to obtain a gender recognition certificate.5

OVER half are not in favour of of inclusion of transwomen in women's sports.
MORE Irish people than not believe that trans women should not have access to female changing rooms,
female prisons or women’s refuges.6

We invite you to visit our website and read the full report.

This is the first time the Irish public have had their views heard.
Join the conversation by tweeting/posting with, #IrishGenderPoll #WeWillBeHeard #IrishPublicWillBeHeard…

Send us in YOUR thoughts and ideas via our contact form.

#IrishGenderPoll #WeWillBeHeard #IrishPublicWillBeHeard

RedC have gotten in touch to say there was a typo and it should be 1020 sample.

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