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Women & children deserve privacy, dignity and safety. #VoteForLaosie
Nov 12, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Focus on @greenparty_ie #ge24 election Manifesto

The Greens are the Party of they/them & other pronouns, but are they the Party for YOU.

Let’s look inside…Image
“Trans healthcare” “evidence-based care” and to add an oxymoron the Greens “will be guided by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health” (WPATH”) What could go wrong? Let’s look at the WPATH files Image
Apr 27, 2024 141 tweets 33 min read
Introduction by @anliathluachra #ResistingIdeology #Rds2024 We are a broad church. We are single issue. We accept that there are many style and approaches. We have advised The Irish Prison service. Sandra Adams has represented @TheCountessIE at the UN.
Apr 6, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
CHILD TRANSITION will be the medical scandal of our time. 4 major studies have come out in the past year (1 still at pre-print stage). These papers address key issues in the debate on treatment of minors experiencing gender dysphoria (GD). They are undoing decades of misinformation. Together these studies paint a picture of medical malpractice, especially with 4 major studies in 1 year. Clinicians and psychologists are finally conducting and publishing studies on the effects of medical treatment of GD and on the claims proponents of this treatment have been making (kids are certain of their gender identity, they will kill themselves if cannot transition, better a trans child than a dead child etc). These studies show the devastating effects of PBs and that this treatment doesn’t resolve difficulties kids are having or suicide ideation. We predict there will be an avalanche of these studies over coming years.
Oct 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
We’re very pleased to announce that the Gender Recognition (Amendment) (Prisons) Bill 2023 was lodged in the Dáil on Thursday 26th Oct by Peadar Tóibín, leader of Aontú. (1/5) @AontuIE… This means that a debate will now take place in the Dáil on the issue of housing trans identified males in women’s prisons. The Bill, drafted by Laoise de Brún BL, founder of The Countess, required a TD to introduce it in the Dáil, along with 10 signatures from TDs. (2/5)
Jul 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
We are launching our latest Countess Campaign.
The Gender Recognition (Amendment) (Prisons) Bill 2023, drafted by Laoise de Brún BL and introduced to the Dáil by Peadar Tóibín TD, will remove men from women's prisons and ensure prisons are single sex.
#KeepPrisonsSingleSex We are the first GC campaign group that we know of worldwide in a self ID jurisdiction that has drafted an amendment to gender self ID law in order to exclude prisons from the scope. 
#KeepPrisonsSingleSex #WeWillBeHeard
May 25, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
In what can only be described as a huge about-turn, one of the principal architects of gender self-id in Ireland, Fianna Fáil's Willie O'Dea, appears to have had a change of heart about the wisdom of implementing the self-id model of gender recognition.. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex Image O'Dea, who was a member of the Gender Recognition Bill Committee that removed the requirement for a medical assessment in order to obtain a gender recognition certificate and replaced it with the disastrous self-id model,
May 10, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
And so Ireland joins the circus and includes a "non binary" category in the Dublin marathon.
Let's have a look at the "non binary" "winners" in other marathons, shall we?
Jacob Caswell, the winner of the "non binary" category in the New York marathon, ran a time of 2.45; Image Kae Ravichandran, the winner of the “non binary” category in the Boston Marathon 2023 and Blank Bruno, the winner of the “non binary” category in the Chicago marathon 2022.
The one thing all of these competitors have in common is that they THINK they are neither male nor female. ImageImage
Apr 30, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
We are opposed to the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022.
We believe it will adversely impact on our right to freedom of expression and thought, fair trial and procedural rights.… We are concerned that a person who holds gender critical beliefs could lose their job, or face some other sanction, because of those beliefs, where someone with a gender identity raises a complaint against them, or reports them for “hate crime”.
Feb 19, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
@LadiesFootball new Transgender Policy lets women and girls down and does not follow any of the science. It is vital that female sport remains separated by sex. World Sports Governing Bodies realise the importance, based on fairness, equality, safety, dignity and participation levels, of keeping sports Single Sex, as it has been proven that male puberty gives a physical and unfair competitive advantage over women. #SaveWomensSports
Feb 18, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
In January The Countess Sports Working Group to #SaveWomensSports in Ireland was officially launched. Our aim is to advocate for women and girls participating in sports (at all levels) in Ireland and to ensure fair competition.
#WeWillBeHeard @LadiesFootball have released their Transgender Policy and it says: “The Association is committed to the inclusion of Trans-women into the LGFA.”
What this means for the game is males over the age of 12 may apply to play, with little or no restriction.
Feb 16, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Whether, like Enoch Burke, you object to gender ideology because it conflicts with your religious beliefs, or like JK Rowling, you object because it conflicts with women’s rights, we need to have open debate about conflicting rights.… The Countess founder Laoise @anliathluachra says in today’s article in @thetimes
“Regardless of how one feels about Mr Burke’s views, they are his religious beliefs and therefore protected under law.” Laoise of The Countess, an advocacy group concerned about the implications
Feb 16, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Thank you to Professor Donal O'Shea for raising safeguarding concerns with regard to proposals for gender self-determination for children.
According to @NewstalkFM "a TENI spokesperson said they would like to see the implementation of the Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2015, which recommends "a system of gender recognition should be introduced for children of any age", subject to key principles, this includes parental consent required, with "an appropriate legal process to address cases where there is not consent from both parents
Feb 16, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
This morning the Irish Daily Mail reports that politicians are ‘scared to oppose transgender agendas’. Professor Donal O' Shea said 16 is too young for self ID.
Politicians are paid to legislate without fear or favour,… they have a responsibility to protect and promote the welfare of children and young people. Fear of lobbyists is not an acceptable reason to do nothing or remain silent if they have concerns.
Irish politicians need to know the huge public support for @CharlieFlanagan
Dec 19, 2022 19 tweets 5 min read
A common question people ask us is, what harm has Self ID caused in Ireland?

Simply put, it means that women can no longer rely on the unquestioned understanding that men should never enter spaces reserved for women and girls. That used to be understood, and if a vanishingly rare few men wanted to be women so much that they were willing to undergo sex reassignment surgery and to dress as women, then most people would politely turn a blind eye.
Dec 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
“Women’s rights advocacy group The Countess has accused the National Council for Curriculum Assessment (NCCA) of attempting to breach the constitutional rights of parents.”… “The remarks were made as Ireland’s official curriculum body has indicated its desire to see RSE (Relationship and Sexuality Education) and SPHE merged into a single compulsory subject, coming into effect in September 2023.”
Nov 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls has written to the UK gov regarding the Gender Recognition Reform Bill Scotland. We have been highlighting the same issues in Ireland for over two years.
We will raise this letter with the Irish Government. The legislation does not consider the needs of women and girls as it does not provide any safeguarding measures to ensure the procedure is "not abused by sexual predators and other perpetrators of violence."
The insistence on safeguarding and risk management does not arise from
Nov 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The Trans and Intersex Pride Dublin and Virgin Media are complicit in stoking fear among the trans community. Here’s the reality:
Ireland: 0 murders ever
Scotland: 0 murders ever
Wales: 0 murders ever
England: 9 murders in the last decade The vast majority of trans murders have happened in South America, particularly Brazil and Mexico, and mainly in prostitution. Image
Oct 13, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
We are thrilled to announce that the word "woman" will not be removed from our Maternity Protection Act 1994. The Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 has been amended, and the word "woman" has been reinstated.
#ThesesWordsBelongToUs… When we launched our campaign #TheseWordsBelongToUs to defend the word "woman" we were contacted, and supported by so many women who felt deeply how unjust it was to erase us from legislation that pertains to women, and only women.
Oct 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Jennie Hodgers, an Irish woman who emigrated to the US in 1859 is believed to be the first woman to cast a vote for a US President. Jennie achieved this by posing as a man in order to avail of employment not available to women at the time.… Some have speculated that Jennie was a trans identified female, i.e. she felt herself to be more of a man than a woman. Others believe she simply used her male persona as a passport to access, successfully, more opportunities.
One thing is certain, however. She was born female.
Sep 2, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
“Labour Party leader and chair of the gender committee Ivana Bacik gave her backing to keeping the word “woman” in the laws that cover maternity rights in Ireland” from @irishexaminer… While this is of course welcomed Bacik said on sport, “There has to be compromise” and favours a “case by case” approach. What this means is some males should be able to compete in female sports. @runthinkwrite has written extensively about the issues with “case by case basis”
Aug 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The substantive matter which has not been addressed yet is this: can a school in Ireland fire a teacher for refusing to comply with gender ideology? It matters not what the religious beliefs of the teacher or school are, the point is the teacher does not agree w/ the new religion Second, the social transition of children with or without parental consent is far from harmless, it is a therapeutic intervention, it can lead to requests for hormones (medical transition) and it is the affirmation of something that is objectively, scientifically impossible.