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Jul 14, 2021, 13 tweets

Pixel Adventure Content™️

Got a booster seat with safety strap (like an adjustable seatbelt that clips onto his cushioned harness)

Now he can see out the windows easily.

Lots of breaks…

Traveling with Pixel is a lot like traveling with a toddler — he gets fussy, he has to stretch, he has to tinkle, he’s thirsty or hungry, and he sleeps in between all that.

I put towels in the bottom so he could reach the edge of the booster seat to rest his chin.

Lots of breaks 😂

He was being so good, I got him a treat.

Chicken nuggets 😂

Like… where Superman lives?

Near Fort Campbell @101stAASLTDIV

Water breaks too 😂 he looks all sleepy because I woke him up.

Double rainbow in Tennessee. Pixel missed it.

(Tennessee also has a ton of huge confederate flags along the highway, so that was… interesting.)

We agreed that neither of us enjoy traffic.

Another break 😂

And now he has had a good nap, and some food, and he is curious about Charleston — it’s hot though, I’ll take him exploring later.

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