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Frontend Engineer @ Intangles || books 💛 || Author @Educative

Jul 15, 2021, 10 tweets

📌📌CSS Border Properties📌📌
In this we will discuss:


1⃣ border-collapse: The border-collapse property sets whether table borders should collapse into a single border or be separated as in standard HTML.

Values: separate | collapse

2⃣ border-image: The border-image property allows you to specify an image to be used as the border around an element.

Border-image property :
▶️ border-image-source
▶️ border-image-slice
▶️ border-image-width
▶️ border-image-outset
▶️ border-image-repeat

3⃣ border-image-source: The border-image-source property specifies the path to the image to be used as a border (instead of the normal border around an element).

4⃣ border-image-slice: The border-image-slice property specifies how to slice the image specified by border-image-source. The image is always sliced into nine sections: four corners, four edges, and the middle.

Values: number | % |

5⃣ border-width: The border-image-width property specifies the width of the border image.

Values: number | % | auto

6⃣ border-image-outset: The border-image-outset property specifies the amount by which the border image area extends beyond the border box.

Values: length | number |

7⃣ border-image repeat: The border-image-repeat property specifies whether the border image should be repeated, rounded, or stretched.

Values: stretch | repeat | round |

8⃣ border-image: source slice width outset repeat

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