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Jul 15, 2021, 9 tweets

From Underwears to Room Fresheners and pencil to electronics, groceries, and apparel. Amazon is selling almost everything on their own just by rebranding,

Thanks to our regulators for giving them an opportunity to eat the business of our Indian Sellers.

Don’t trust me? ⬇️🧵

Just go through this Wiki, Many Amazon brands are already available in India.


Amazon Brand - Symbol

Keyword - 1 ton AC

Top 3 search results ⬇️

Amazon Brand - Symbol | T-Shirts

Keyword - pencil

1st result, AmazonBasics Pencil

Amazon Brand - Solimo Air Freshener

Groceries from Amazon Brand

And if you’re reading this,

Do prefer local stores if prices and quality are the same, shop directly from the D2C brand if customer service is reliable. You can help our merchants fight with monopoly and save them some commission.

Tag authorities, Do share/RT for wider reach.

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