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Jul 16, 2021, 19 tweets

#Tokyo2020 The legacy of ‘Word Olympics.’ How the Japanese leaders have continued to rebrand the Tokyo Olympic Games since and before its inception, up until today, just 10 days before the opening of the Games.

By Kei Yoshikawa @BusinessInsider

#Tokyo2020 “It's the best way to show Japan's recovery from the great disaster and to repay the friendship and encouragement received from all around the world.” - Shintaro Ishihara, Governor of Tokyo (June 17, 2011)

#Tokyo2020 “Japan must recover from the great disaster. I want the Olympics to be a symbol of recovery.” - Tsunekazu Takeda, Chairman of Japan Olympic Committee (July 16, 2011)

#Tokyo2020 “Japanese people are the true believers of the Olympic movement. “ - Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan (September 7, 2013)

#Tokyo2020 “Recovery, and the Olympics/Paralympics will come together to unite Japan.” - Naoki Inose, Governor of Tokyo (August 7, 2013)

#Tokyo2020 “The Games are inconceivable without the notion of 'recovery' in them.” - Tsunekazu Takeda, Chairman of JOC (October 2013)

#Tokyo2020 “If people who come to watch the Games can also visit Kyoto or the disaster-affected areas in Tohoku, tourism will enrich all parts of Japan.” - Yoichi Masuzoe, Governor of Tokyo (September 9, 2014)

#Tokyo2020 “"We will build not only the ‘hard’ part of the legacy, but also the ‘soft’ part of the legacy.” - Yuriko Koike, Governor of Tokyo (September 28, 2016)


"Sports will play a major role in the recovery of the heart.” - Thomas Bach, IOC President (November 24, 2018)

"I want to send a message of appreciation to the world and show the world that Tohoku is almost fully recovered.” - Prime Minister Abe (July 24, 2019)

#Tokyo2020 “As symbol of humanity’s victory over the coronavirus, we will hold the Games in its most complete form.” - Prime Minister Abe (March 24, 2020)

#Tokyo2020 “The Games will be held as a symbol of humanity’s victory over the coronavirus and as an occasion to show the world that the disaster-affected areas have recovered.” - Yoshihide Suga, Prime Minister of Japan (October 23, 2020)

#Tokyo2020 “Holding the Games will also show our recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake.” - Yoshihiko Noda, Prime Minister of Japan (May 24, 2012)

#Tokyo2020 “I would like to present the world an image of the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games of the 21st century, as well as an image of Japan that has recovered from the great disaster.” - Shintaro Ishihara, Governor of Tokyo (September 19, 2012)

#Tokyo2020 “Will proceed with our preparations with the determination to realize the Games that will bring hope and courage to the world.” - Prime Minister Suga (January 18, 2021)

#Tokyo2020 “A symbol of the world overcoming the challenges of the COVID pandemic and further strengthening the human bondage, a beacon of hope.” - Governor Koike (March 11, 2021)

#Tokyo2020 “There is a great significance in restoring the bond between people who were divided by the COIVD pandemic.” - Tamayo Marukawa, Minister for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games (May 11, 2021)

#Tokyo2020 Prime Minister Suga, 2021

”I want to convey from Japan that the world has overcome the challenges of COVID through unity.” (June 2)

“The Olympics is a ceremony of peace. The best athletes will gather in Tokyo to share the power of sports with the world.” (June 9)


“Through television, we want to show that the world can be united.” - Prime Minister Suga (July 8, 2021)

“This will be the first Olympics to foster a sense of global solidarity through television.” - Governor Koike (July 9, 2021)

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