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Jul 17, 2021, 19 tweets

A breakdown of @JoshFrydenberg's opinion piece in the Herald Sun today. It's full of hypocrisy.

A thread. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#auspol #KooyongVoices #VoteJoshOut


Naturally, this is the fault of @ScottMorrisonMP and his failure on vaccines and purpose-built quarantine.

Josh's article doesn't even mention the word vaccine.

I guess Josh knows there is no point in encouraging people to get vaccinated when you know there isn't enough supply.

Yes, we have gotten through this before. No thanks to @JoshFrydenberg who played politics at every opportunity.

Here's @JoshFrydenberg demanding a plan out of lockdown last August despite Victoria recording 114 new cases and 11 deaths on that day.


Here's @JoshFrydenberg last year demanding Victoria go against the medical advice and re-open schools.


Here's a statement from The Morrison Government (including Josh) demanding Vic open up and comparing us to NSW.


So yes, we have been through this before Josh and you made it harder each and every time!

This is honestly the funniest thing I've ever read.

You've attacked our Government throughout COVID Josh and refused to provide support during the last lockdown.

The Federal Government has been working AGAINST the Vic Government.

Did you forget about this Joshy?

What about the last lockdown? It was only the other month @JoshFrydenberg. We haven't forgotten.

After you first removed the asset test for the NSW Lockdown after having in force for Victoria's lockdown the other month.

Thanks, @DanielAndrewsMP for stepping up when @JoshFrydenberg and @ScottMorrisonMP go missing.

The Federal Government should cover everyone affected by lockdown.

Josh just completely neglected that he didn't provide support during the first week of our previous lockdown.

Forgetting also that @JamesMerlinoMP and @timpallas had to actually fight to get support for that 2nd week.

No one cares what you did last year Josh. You constantly used your previous support as a defence when asked why you didn't provide support for the last lockdown. Disgusting.

Yet, when Vic went into lockdown the other month, the Federal Government didn't have a support plan in place. Policy on the run. What a joke.

Such as fixing the vaccine rollout and sorting out national quarantine...

Hypocrite. If NSW wasn't in lockdown right now, there is no way you'd be saying this. You'd be attacking Victoria non-stop like you did last year!

So much hypocrisy from Josh Frydenberg in this article. He thinks one opinion piece will make us forget how he has treated us previously. We won't forget @JoshFrydenberg and we are coming for you at election time.
#auspol #votejoshout

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