Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Jul 17, 2021, 17 tweets

The Esoteric MEANing of the N(AUM)Ber 7:

7 is the 4th PRIME #

The PHIthAGOREans invested pARTicular NUMBers with UNI+QUE sPHIr(AL)itual PROPER+TIES. Seven was, of UPmost importance, considered to the Union of the Physical/ Material (4) & the sPHIiritual/Unseen (3). 3+4=7

Pt. 1

More of 7

Main 👁️lands of mythological Atlantis

Gateways traversed by Inanna during her descent into the underworld.

The Seven-Branched Sword in Japanese mythology.

The minor symbol # of Yang from the Taoist ☯️

Palms in an Egyptian Sacred Cubit.

The # of ranks in Mithraism.

Seven is of particular significance within Cherokee cosmology.

Slang for female/ vagina. 7 when rotated forms a V, which forms the female sex organ.

In British folklore, every 7 years the 👑 of the Fairies pays a tithe to Hell (Hel) in the tale of Tam Lin.

77 = TRIangle


7 days of Creation & God rested on the 7th day (Sabbath).

Anyone who dares to kill Cain "will suffer vengeance 7 times over" (Genesis 4:15).

In his "Song of the Sword" claims that "if Cain shall be avenged sevenfold", he himself shall be "seventy-sevenfold" (Genesis 4:24)


Noah is commanded to bring 7 PAIRS of EVEry CLEAN AMINAl onto the ARK

7 years of plenty and seven years of famine in Pharaoh's Dream

In regards to the sin sacrifice, the anointed priest was to sprinkle the bullock's blood seven times before the LORD.


7 days of the feast of Passover.

Seven-day week and the pattern concerning distribution and use of manna.

The Menorah (Hebrew: מנורה), is a seven-branched candelabrum.

Seven-year cycle around the years of Jubilee

King David had seven older brothers

Pt. 6

The Seven Lucky Gods in Japanese Mythology

Archangels according to some systems.

In Buddhism, Buddha walked 7 steps at his birth.

In Khasi mythology, the seven divine women who were left behind on earth and became the ancestresses of all humankind.

Pt. 8

Number of sages (Saptarishi) in Hindu mythology; their wives, the Pleiades, the Sapta Matrka or "Seven Sisters".

In Iran, German, Spanish, and other cultures cats are said to have seven lives.

In Guaraní mythology, the number of prominent legendary monsters.

Pt. 9

Indian Music has "Saptak Swaras", 7 Octaves (sa re ga ma pa dha ni) which are basics of music, using which hundreds of Ragas are composed.

7 Promises, 7 Rounds in Hindu Wedding and Seven Reincarnation.

7 virgin goddesses are worshipped in temples in Tamil Nadu, India.

Pt. 11

7 Rainbow Colors

7 Vowels

7 Gods Of Greek Mythology: Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Aphrodite, Helios, Hermes, Selene

7 Gods Of Roman Mythology: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Luna, Sol, Mercury, Mars

7 internal organs, stomach, liver, heart, lungs, spleen and two kidneys.

Pt 12

7 Seals/ Trumpets of the Apocalypse (Bible)

7 Days/ Week

7 Sins/ 7 virtues

7 Levels of Reality (Buddhism)

7 Heavens of Islam, Zoroastrian, Judaism

7 Major Octave Chords

7 Chakras IN Body

7 Continents

7 Senses (Touch, Sight, Taste, Hearing, Smell, Thoughts, Emotion)

PT 13

Shiv`a is the number of days of mourning. Hence, one sits Shiva

Seven blessings are recited under the chuppah during a Jewish wedding ceremony.

A Jewish bride and groom are feted with 7 Days of festive meals after their wedding, known as Sheva Berachot (7 Blessings)

Pt. 14

And Finally,

The 7 Planes of Existence/ Consciousness

Seven Wonders of the World

The Seven Classical Planets: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter And Saturn

The Seven ⭐ of Ursa Major (Big Bear) or Seven Main ⭐ of Orion

The Seven Main Chakras

Pt. 15

The MASTer Builder NUMBer: 22

22 is the # of Revelation. Chapter 22 of the Gospel of John, he identifies himself as the 'Alpha & Omega, the First & Last of the Greek Alphabet, Aleph Tav. 22 UNITES the entire body of Scripture The Numerical Value of Yachad (Hebrew) = UNITE.

The Master Builder (22) & the N(AUM)BER of G(7)D

22 Hebrew Letters corresponding to the 22 Paths of the 🎄 of Life

There are 22 Cranial Bones in the Head.

2 7's Organized Correctly makes a Right 📐

22 Chromosomes
7 🧬 Polymerase A, B, C, D, X, Y & RT.
π.. ♾️

More on 22

In the Book of Revelation LIGHT is repeated 22 times, and on the 22nd time, John quotes Jesus: “I have come as a LIGHT into the WORLD...” (John 12:46)

The Major Arcana in Tarot has 22 Trump with the Fool, only Card Labeled 0 or 22 .

The Paramount Logo has 22 Stars.

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