Keri Smith 🌱Deprogrammed Profile picture
I think ppl need truth, beauty, love, humor & joy. Reason & Faith / Founder @_Deprogrammed, @CivilityDinners / ((you/your mom/thou))

Jul 17, 2021, 8 tweets

Austin is a lot different than it was just 2 short years ago. I had to be down there today & it took my breath away. If you look at these pics & think they’re shaming the homeless or those simply too effed up to make it home, get your head on straight.

Those who should be ashamed are the elite who push the ideology & policies that result in this destruction of human life and of cities. You don’t have to ask what that ideology is bc it’s plastered on signs used to board up windows all over 6th street.

How many small businesses in Austin went under this year during lockdowns? Who supported those? Who imposed those?

I am in awe of ppl supporting policies & ideologies that destroy - destroy people & cities & businesses & families - all while claiming an arrogant and unearned moral highground. Black Lives Matter? Really? They don’t seem to matter to you. No lives seem to matter to you.

I don’t see this getting better anytime soon. Most of the ppl moving here from CA seem to be bringing their failed policies, their destructive policies, with them.

Oh yes, the problem here in Austin must be statues. If only we could destroy enough of those, this city would turn itself around.

Goodbye Austin. You’re failing your people. Your leadership needs to change. Your culture needs to change. Your policies need to change. Your hearts and minds need to change.

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