Keri Smith 🌱Deprogrammed Profile picture
I think ppl need truth, beauty, love, humor, joy, reason + faith. @_Deprogrammed @CivilityDinners / ((you/your mom/thou))
2 subscribers
May 22, 2023 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
I saw some people celebrating online today that a belief in God is on the decline. They shared an article with two interesting quotes about how people don’t need God when secular society is so good & meets all their needs. (1) ImageImageImage Creature comfort needs? Sure. Secular society has that out the wazoo. But what about our psychological, family, health and spiritual needs? Are we doing great? It’s interesting if you look at some of this data, below, through the years. (2) ImageImageImageImage
Nov 30, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Apparently there's a mob out for @ConceptualJames for being at a @MythinformedMKE conference with many panelists, including @nickiclyne & taking photos with her. Quelle Horreur. He's being called groomer & more. This is the kind of thing I almost feel is unworthy of response. (1) But in case there's any doubt where I stand: I think NXIVM is a cult. I think Keith Raniere is a narcissist, con-man & that he exploited under-aged girls. I've interviewed Nicki about this. She knows what I think. And yet - she is my friend. (2)
Aug 31, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Here's a consent form for Children's Hospital Los Angeles, for kids to participate in studies on medical transition. Check out some of the warnings about sterilization.… Here's a rough order of "argumentation" many like @NotMikeHarlow are starting to notice, coming from those who support experimenting on children in this way:
1 - That's not happening
2 - Ok it's happening, but it's rare
3 - It's a good thing

very similar to support of racist CRT
Aug 29, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
This is about the @bjportraits @Liz_Wheeler thing but it could be about any number of things as I keep seeing this happen.

There is theft that happens.
Some of it is intentional. Some is not.
There is also ego & pride that exists.
Both get in the way of a message. (1) If it’s not common wisdom you're sharing, which is sometimes hard to credit, but actual research, you should just mention the name of the article & writer you're quoting. That’s easy to do. Sometimes it's oversight. Other times it's on purpose. I don't know what happened here. (2
May 29, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
We have laws against murder. Some evil can be stopped by laws. Some fear being caught. It’s the only thing that stops them. Being found out & losing their freedom.

But some evil can’t be stopped by laws. Not when a person no longer cares about their own life or freedom. (1) It seems to me that we have more of those kinds of people than we used to. Those who resent the very nature of Being itself, as Peterson has talked about.

The solution to such people is not more laws. It’s to keep people from arriving at that kind of resentful evil. (2)
Feb 13, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Look at how prescient @TimesMagazine’s art critic Robert Hughes (now deceased) was in this 1990 @latimes piece about censorship of art & expression, which was coming from the right at the time.

He predicted the most sinister censorship in the future would come from the left: Image He was right. And I’m impressed that he & others could see it way back then, when the most culturally dominant censorship was coming from the right , from orgs like Christian coalition & Focus on the family etc against things like 2 Live Crew & Married with Children. (2)
Nov 4, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Last week was my two year anniversary of sobriety. I think they call it a new birthday of sorts, which is appropriate given that it can feel a little like newly getting to know yourself once alcohol or any other vice is no longer in the picture. I remember, in the weeks after first giving up alcohol, saying things about myself and realizing I no longer knew if they were true. "I'm not a morning person," being a great example. (Turns out I *can* be a morning person with the right motivation).
Nov 4, 2021 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
She’s lied about me constantly including accusing me (among others) of running that same parody account when I don’t even know if the person running it is M or F. She lied & accused me of doxxing her & said I posted photos of her house. She actually posted photos of MY house. This is not some “misunderstanding” or disagreement w: a normal person. Karlyn Borysenko is an unstable and vindictive bully who has been stalking me, anti hero Kate, @NotMikeHarlow & others. She reads everything we like, everything we tweet or reply to others, like it’s her job.
Nov 3, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Frankly I’ll be shocked if the VA Governor’s race doesn’t magically turn around after a trove of votes are discovered. 🤷‍♀️

But the lesson one can take from this race, no matter the outcome, is that *there are enough of us to turn the tide in the culture war.* No matter how the political one plays out. We don’t need everyone in order to change the direction of culture. Social Justice adherents have shown us this in the past year. We only need 10% of the population to be committed true believers.
Oct 19, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
You can’t defeat psychopathy by aligning yourself with a psychopath. You can try though.

Just like you can’t fight racism with racism. Or sexism with sexism.

I’m amazed when the human mind tries to justify what doesn’t actually make sense. “I know we’re fighting mad dogs but this is OUR mad dog.”

One justification I’ve heard.
Sep 6, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
They’re moving wealth & property from small businesses to corporations, Main Street to Wall Street, turning home owners into renters, and free people into slaves.

This is what’s happening. It’s what’s been happening. They came right out in 2016 and told us that “In 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy,” and still the sheep will yell “conspiracy theory” if you state the obvious, hidden in plain sight.
Aug 30, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Takeaways from our @UnsafeSpace Roundtable on Employer Vax Mandates today:
Those who oppose vax mandates are not of one party, race, religion or gender. We're united in our belief in data driven scientific study, transparent access to information, civil liberties & choice. We need to start speaking up, despite our fear. If everyone who understands the importance of civil liberties and who opposes discrimination on the basis of medical status were to speak, this wouldn't even be an issue.
Aug 20, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
To the people who want to claim CRT is not being taught in schools: I was a Social Justice mouthpiece for 20 years. A true believer. I’m not some noob you can speak lies to and intimidate. (1) I’ve seen you talk down to parents, condescend to them, bully, use pseudo-intellectual jargon to say they don’t know what they’re talking about. Academic jargon can’t cover the fact that teaching kids to judge & treat one another differently on the basis of race is wrong. (2)
Jul 21, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
NASA Microaggression Training: @claren & I just got these docs from an internal whistleblower at @NASA - this is from an employee training where they learn that “microaggressions” are incidents where a NASA employee “accidentally makes an offensive statement” Examples include complimenting someone’s intelligence or believing all lives matter.
Jul 19, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I was at a Bible study Thursday night & one of the women talked about when she was a kid, how anytime she’d be going through something hard her a grandma would say, “What about what Jesus went through? Quit feeling sorry for yourself!” LOL. I love that for a few reasons. (1) We as a culture have become so accustomed to validating every feeling & every emotion of others (and in wanting ours validated) that we sometimes now recoil from that kind of tough love that helps the put things in perspective. (2)
Jul 17, 2021 • 8 tweets • 8 min read
Austin is a lot different than it was just 2 short years ago. I had to be down there today & it took my breath away. If you look at these pics & think they’re shaming the homeless or those simply too effed up to make it home, get your head on straight. Those who should be ashamed are the elite who push the ideology & policies that result in this destruction of human life and of cities. You don’t have to ask what that ideology is bc it’s plastered on signs used to board up windows all over 6th street.
Apr 1, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I’d like to confess my white privilege, my straight privilege, my cis-gender privilege, and to hold to account those who oppress me for being female with their toxic masculinity and male tears.
(1) If you want to be an ally, you need to do the work, stay in your lane, reflect diverse lived experience without culturally appropriating, educate yourself and pay me for my emotional labor.
Jan 17, 2021 • 10 tweets • 9 min read
This is what propaganda looks like.

Notice how they all speak the same words at the same time, the cathedral, and how the sheep in your life start repeating them all in chorus. ImageImageImageImage The dehumanization of groups of people, in the case conservatives, liberals who are *not* social justice Marxists or authoritarians, Christians, Jews, people of color who are conservatives, anyone who voted for Trump, the police & military, etc has already begun. ImageImageImageImage
Nov 28, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
“The truth is that narcissists are very adept at impression management – in managing the ways others perceive them. They will appear to praise their victims in public, all while criticizing and demeaning them in private.”… “They will provoke their victims into emotionally reacting – and they will use their reactions to the abuse to depict them as “unhinged.””
Nov 28, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
If you missed the great SJW Knitting Wars, I tried to give an overview on @Nerdrotics. They cut it up, adding graphics & a bit of levity! 😙 For more in-depth information on what went down, check out the series of reporting from @JebsenMoore, linked below. Part 1:…