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Scottish Covid-19 Travelling Stats Cat! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦠🌍🐈

Jul 17, 2021, 7 tweets

Here are a couple of charts I put together looking at cases in Scotland and England over the past couple of months, based on specimen date!

I've also added in some annotations to show when restrictions were eased, when both countries were playing in the Euros, and so forth.

In Scotland cases were rising before most of the country moved to level 2.

These increases seemed to gradually build up, before really taking off on the 21st of June. That was 7 days after our first Euros game against the Czech Republic, and 3 days after the game against England

Cases then started falling about a week after most schools closed on the 25th of June (or around about then), and have been continuing to fall ever since.

In England, cases started noticeably increasing after indoor hospitality reopened.

The pace of the increases looks like it increased quite a bit after the Scotland game, and hasn't changed too much from its course since.

That chart only shows data up to the 13th of July, so any real effects of the game against Italy won't be on there yet.

But here is another version, showing an additional two days. Just know the most recent two days here will still increase further as more test results come in!

Google tells me that most English schools will be closing for summer throughout the next week, so that should definitely help.

Although 'freedom day' is coming on Monday too, which will complicate things..

I don't know how much of an impact the Euros actually had on cases, or if they had any impact at all, but I still thought people would be interested in seeing the recent increases laid out like this!

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