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Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Jul 18, 2021, 24 tweets

A Portrait of Earth's Biosphere

This thread provides a tour of the global biosphere in pictorial form.

The animations were acquired from @zoom_earth on July 14th, and take us on a journey beginning in the North East Pacific over the course of a single day.

The first image ^^ is of North West America.

Here we see the South East Pacific

North East Pacific

South West Pacific - Great Southern lands

Central Pacific

North West Pacific

See also attached thread... (this is where the most serious extreme weather situation is underway)

East Asia - China

The Indo-Asia Monsoon (South East Asia & The Indian Subcontinent)

Central Asia

Southern Indian Ocean


The West African Monsoon - Central Africa

The Arabian Sea

Southern Africa

The North Atlantic

The Mid Atlantic

The Amazon Monsoon (Northern South America)

Equatorial Atlantic Ocean

South Atlantic

And that's it.

Morning around the globe on the 13th-14th July.

NOTE: Each of the animations above is to the same scale. I.E. covers the same area, and as a result provides a better idea of scale than we tend to get from Mercator projection maps.

Finally we have three big images also of July 13th-14th which cover the entire globe (excluding the poles)

The Pacific

Africa, Asia & Australasia

And finally the Americas, Atlantic, Europe and Africa

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