Crab Man Profile picture
used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Jul 18, 2021, 17 tweets

this guy was pretty vaccine hesitant

"Sports columnist at The Montreal Gazette"

I'm just gonna let these old tweets breathe

delicious irony

Given what Jen Psaki late last week about misinformation? All of this pre-election fearmongering shit is really something

It's like a whole different universe im looking at, here.

(they're still under review btw)

This should infuriate you.

The same people who were anti-Trump and politicized the vaccine

Are now flipping the script to cover their own mistakes

The moral of the story is we're all lemmings

I don't give a hoot about retweets on this one, I just need to get this out of my system.

FYI this began because Katie Hill said stupid things, multiple times, and ended up self-censoring herself

But this will be the thumbnail for the thread, here, when all said and done.

Everyone are a bunch of clowns.

good questions that'll never get answered because the international world is AFRAID to ask China for answers to these concerns.

Cowards cowards cowards.

Facebook's CEO has the luxury of being anti-vax, because he's richer than you. How does that make you feel?…

(also Facebook's censorship of the subject after the fact is total over-compensation)…

^ And now the White House is working in lockstep with this authoritarian Facebook. Should rustle your jimmies!…

Anyway. In closing: the Far Left who hated Trump? They don't have logic. They hated the vaccine if it made Trump look good.

And that should show you how insane everything in 2021 society is.…

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