Ron Coleman Profile picture
I’m a lawyer in New Jersey. Mr. @janebcoleman. Podcast: @colemannation1

Jul 18, 2021, 27 tweets

Destroyed on Krystallnacht

Lodz, Poland


Deventer, Holland

Ludwigsburg (Kristallnacht)

Jerusalem (occupied by Jordan)

Lod, Israel

Volos, Greece

Vilnius, Lithuania

Lublin, Poland

Oulo Beces, [Serbia] Yugoslavia, occupied by Hungary

Masada, Israel


Occupied Jaworow, Poland

Occupied Rohatyn, Ukraine

Luzhki, Belarus

Duluth, Minnesota

Cape Town, South Africa

New York, New York

Exeter, UK

University of Delaware


Beverly Hills, California

Caracas, Venezuela

Har Nof, Israel

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