Ron Coleman Profile picture
Orthodox Jew, political conservative. Mr. @JaneBColeman. Lawyer: Civil litigation, appeals, speech, soft IP. Podcast: @colemannation1
EricStoner Profile picture JakeGint Profile picture BejingBidenCheated 🇺🇸 🙏🐘⛵⭐⭐⭐ Profile picture Julie Walker Profile picture Ultra Dark Maga Tex Profile picture 61 subscribed
Aug 6 6 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, with the support of @Liberty_Ctr, we sued the Town of South Kingstown, Rhode Island @skingstownrigov on behalf of @Nicoletta0602 for violating her rights to free speech, to petition the government & for equal protection under the law

Here’s the story (thread) Image Nicole Solas’s kindergartner came home from school and told her that in class they weren’t allowed to refer to “boys” or “girls”

When she asked about the school’s curriculum, they told her to pound sand and submit a formal “records request” - and to pay $74,000 for it. Image
Jul 1 8 tweets 3 min read
Last paragraph of the official syllabus from the SCOTUS #immunity decision Image Regarding the flippant treatment of this yuge constitutional issue by the DC federal judicial clique, this was a little too polite for my taste: Image
Dec 11, 2023 37 tweets 8 min read
Here again is a Twitter-friendly version (that is, a thread that can be scanned visually and favorite parts tweeted separately) of yesterday's (December 10th's) open letter from @BillAckman to @Harvard regarding the Claudine Gay travesty (1) Image (2) Image
Dec 4, 2023 29 tweets 7 min read
Here's a Twitter-friendly version (that is, a thread that can be scanned visually and favorite parts tweeted separately) of yesterday's open letter from @BillAckman to @Harvard president Claudine Gay (found here )
Image (2) Image
Oct 9, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The Iranian-Palestinian political terror project in our time is a hierarchy of expendable human shields, with a base of Palestinians dying in the thousands to slake the bloodlust of Iran's leaders who are never placed at any risk The underbosses of Hezbollah and Hamas operate at the next level down, offering their "constituents" up as sacrifices in return for massive wealth and power - exposing themselves to only marginally greater danger than their Iranian capos
Mar 24, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
This is huge. What I mean is that this court decision has huge implications for #schoolchoice. Whether private schools, religious or not, or #homeschool, every stitch removed from the seam that binds American children to public schools - an increasingly debased institution - is critical.
Mar 5, 2023 5 tweets 11 min read
I met so many of my mostly- (and some cases, previously only-) online friends at #CPAC2023 @CPAC that this alone would have justified going!

I know I'm going to forget some of your handles, and please forgive me, but this includes (in no particular order): > @KurtSchlichter @JanJekielek @JennaEllisEsq @josh_hammer @andashleysays @DonaldJTrumpJr @ltwombly93 @ymenken @EVKontorovich @ScottPresler @JackPosobiec @willchamberlain @jordylancaster @JimHansonDC @elliotdordick @ChayaRaichik >
Feb 12, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
One of the most important issues afoot in our country today is the psychological, emotional and medical torture of schoolchildren in the names of causes such as "gender studies," "trans rights" and "gender affirming care."

I have avoided discussing it myself because it's simply…… This phenomenon - and I am going to say that it is all of a piece - represents the mutually reinforcing coalescence of a number of forces.

I am going to merely list them here and then drink my hemlock. >
Jan 29, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Sleazy @upennlaw refuses to produce any evidence that what #AmyWax said about minority performance at the school was wrong.

The Grievance procedure, however, places the burden on the dean to put up or shut up - @JaneBColeman in @LegInsurrection… By December, @dailypenn gloated over the shrinking enrollment in Wax's remaining classes. 

It didn't mention that the dean cynically created *new courses on the same topics she teaches* to discourage students from enrolling in hers #sleazy #woke…
Jan 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
It's going to get really ugly in the land of the @GOP starting right now

And I'm ☠️absolutely💀 down for it As @ballabon explained, the #RNC is built to #fail

(Full interview )
Jan 27, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Endorsement by @NYYRC: Harmeet Dhillon for Chairwoman of the RNC

"The @nyyrc is proud to endorse @pnjaban for RNC Chairwoman. We believe that Harmeet is the strongest candidate to lead the RNC and that she will end the incumbent’s abysmal losing streak ..." "The RNC must be a force to be reckoned with & facilitate party & movement builders.
"Harmeet is a successful attorney & businesswoman who will do just that. She has a proven track record of winning the fight for conservative principles & the 1A rights of her fellow Americans" >
Dec 21, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
Twitter is still very broken.

In this thread - which, like almost everything I have written this month, has had virtually no engagement (because on December 1st I became boring and a bad writer) - I talk about how I have once again encountered a hard cap on follower growth. > And, unfortunately, because our quick-take habituation has made so many of us so stupid, I have to pause here again to say this is not about Ron wishing he had more followers. Of course I do, and if you don't, great; you don't have to tell me.

It's about how broken Twitter is. >
Nov 30, 2022 5 tweets 7 min read
@GREENESJ333 @sunflow03459537 @jenvanlaar @KurtSchlichter @pnjaban In 2020 I went to Philadelphia on @pnjaban’s dime to help out the legal efforts of both the Trump campaign and the RNC. I was not alone. Republican lawyers and staff were absolutely flooding the zone @GREENESJ333 @sunflow03459537 @jenvanlaar @KurtSchlichter @pnjaban Our side GOT the orders. We WON in court.

And … the Philadelphia County Election Board literally told us, to our faces, “Yeah, we’re not complying with that order.”

And the sheriff of that county - whose job it is to enforce state court orders - refused to do so.
Nov 20, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
The @ADL, under the leadership of Obama operative @JGreenblattADL, is committed not only to its own institutional destruction but to the erosion of every gain American Jews have achieved in terms of being perceived as loyal and patriotic Americans Part of this campaign - and it couldn’t have been better designed for the job if it were the brainchild of Henry Ford - is nonsense like @jlensnetwork, which is evidently meant to confirm every antisemitic conspiracy theory about Jewish finance at once
Nov 19, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
@AWeissmann_ @AWeissmann_ "While chief of the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section, Smith helped with the prosecution against then-Gov. Bob McDonnell, who was indicted and convicted on federal corruption charges related to bribery in 2014. The Supreme Court unanimously overturned McDonnell’s conviction in 2016"
Nov 9, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Such pedestrian takes underselling tonight’s results for the GOP.

At no point in US history has every single cultural institution - press, entertainment, academia, unions, public employees, the massive public employee sector, the professions, law enforcement, federal agencies > > major corporations, Wall Street, non-profits, mainline Protestant denominations, the military - I could go on - been so profoundly and explicitly aligned the way they have been behind the Left in the last five years.

There’s nothing “typical” about this midterm election. >
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 9 min read
Hey @yoyoel - how did you convince @elonmusk to let you retain the chief of groupthink role at Twitter when you don’t follow (as far as I could tell; I eventually gave up) a single account that might directly challenge your political assumptions or commitment to censorship? Wouldn’t it at least “look better” for you to pretend you’re interested in the views of the most influential Twitter users that don’t share your views, so you could at least *simulate* giving a damn or being open to “evolving”?
Nov 2, 2022 5 tweets 8 min read
@annateresa79 @NativeSon_No1 @kurenaixiii @EricJRyanLaw @Katerationopia You can thank @cbouzy for making that happen

#uniternotdivider @annateresa79 @NativeSon_No1 @kurenaixiii @EricJRyanLaw @Katerationopia @cbouzy What exactly did she think was going to happen when she subtweeted her little paralegal thoughts about how incompetent a lawyer she’s never interacted with is?
Oct 31, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Interested a bit in this #DHSleaks story?

Guess what: It's not just the feds; the states are doing it too. Our client Rogan O'Handley (@DC_Draino) got the receipts via @JudicialWatch ... and a Cali federal judge dismissed the case

Appeal goes to the 9th Circuit next month
Oct 30, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Our firm does a lot of defamation work. Like my colleagues, I have worked both sides of these cases. Here's an example of a fairly recent dismissal I obtained for a defamation defendant… In another fairly recent case I represented a defamation plaintiff (a Democratic mayor in NJ) in a lawsuit against political rivals (Republicans) who falsely maligned his professional ethic…
Oct 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
NB: Joe Biden did succeed as proof of concept:

They CAN install a mentally incompetent version of someone who was never too smart in the first place as POTUS, and loyal party members and institutions will proceed as if nothing is wrong and as if he is actually making decisions The Fetterman debacle, however, has demonstrated that, at least at the state level, there is (please God!) a limit to getting away with this... at least for a normal state; for Pennsylvania is not New York or California.

Why does it appear that it will (please God!) not work?