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Marsilio is Musing about the next best moves in markets. Technicals & Timing FTW!!

Jul 18, 2021, 9 tweets

A few key index charts

Double top on YR1 (red arrows)
I have done a lot of research on these pivots too
Note 2020 low YS3 (green arrow)
Major turns happen at major levels, the more involved across different assets, the more likely

Credit to bulls, did clear YR1

SPX daily
Went up to next leve, July R2 / Quarterly R1 combo (July R2 tag near exact)

So, still above YR1
Then July pivot, then quarterly pivot


There's that YR1 top on NDX that I mentioned oh like 20x in past few weeks

Note 2020 low on YS1

RUT YR1 double top

Already below 2nd half pivot (orange arrow) that's bearish

Also was all over this short and never said cover

May see D200MA another ~80 points lower


YR1 break

Some chop around this level, pesky
But for now bearish

So of these 5 major indexes
DJI NDX RUT NYA all moving lower from YR1s!
Only SPX above but rejected from Q3 / July

That's what I am talking about for top checklist multiple main indexes pivot rejections

And we have VIX confirmation, above July pivot
VXX & SVXY not yet though, on the verge, to watch Monday (no charts)

HYG partial break of July pivot, so bearish for stocks to continue lower, bullish if recovers

Stage is all set for a quick drop - and regular readers know I don't say this daily like the permabears

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