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I'm for truth,no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against..Malcolm X

Jul 18, 2021, 9 tweets

Pashtuns in Pak outnumber Pashtuns in Afghanistan by at least 2.5 to 1. As per the 2017 census, there r more than 37 million Pakistanis whose mother tongue is Pashtu. Whereas Afghanistan has not more than 15 million Pashtun population.

The actual Pashtun population in Pakistan..

..is much higher due to centuries of Pashtun migrations to different parts of present-day Pakistan, where they settled & gradually stop using Pashto as their language, like the Sadozais of Multan or Kashmir, Kakazais of Lahore & Niazis of Mianwali.

Pakistani Pashtuns are..

living in all four provinces & AJK, completely amalgamated in the social fabric while participating and representing in all walks of life.

Karachi is home to the largest metropolitan Pashtun population in the world -- then in Kabul, Kandhar & Jalalabad combined.

Lt General (R) Tariq is a Pashtun himself while residing in D.I.Khan and his ancestors were from Waziristan.

There is also a rich history of Pak Pashtuns reaching the top echelon of the Pak Army. Pashtun Army Chiefs:
•Ayub Khan
•Yahya Khan
•Gul Hasan Khan
• Waheed Kakar

For 11 out of 12 years between 1979 and 1991, three Pashtuns named:

•Akhtar Abdur Rahman (a Kakazai)
•Hamid Gul (a Yousafzai)
•and Asad Durrani

Headed Pak's most powerful intelligence agency - ISI. After 9/11, ISI was headed by another Pashtun Gen Ehsan ul Haq from Mardan.

From the inception of Pak, Pashtuns that served as heads of state:
Governor-General Ghulam (1951-1955), a Kakazai Pashtun of Lahore
President Ayub (1958-69), a Tarin Pashtun of Rehana;
President Ishaq (1988-93), a Bangash Pashtun of Bannu
PM Imran Khan (2018 - ) a Niazi Pashtun

Pashtuns also comprise around 33% of the Balochistan population.

Pakistan's 2nd most spoken language is not Urdu or Sindhi, it is Pashto.

Out of the three most populace Pashtun cities in Pakistan. Two are in Sindh (Karachi) and Punjab (Lahore).

Out of 9 top Pashtun cities in the world (in terms of population), 6 are in Pakistan (three in non-KP provinces) and only three are in Afghanistan.

Dr. Khan Sahib was the elder brother of Bacha Khan and he opposed the joining of NWFP with Pakistan and boycotted the referendum.

After the promulgation of One-Unit in 1955, Pakistan's first Chief Minister of West Pakistan (Punjab, Balochistan, NWFP, Sindh) was Dr. Khan Sahib.

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