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I'm for truth,no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against..Malcolm X
yousuf minty Profile picture commercial pilot Profile picture Tufail Khan Profile picture Ali Profile picture 几ㄖ乃丨♑🤓 Profile picture 19 subscribed
Dec 16, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
In the 1971 war, there were two active war fronts -- Eastern and Western. 🧵

Much is said and written about the Eastern Front. However, despite the bulk of armed forces being concentrated in the West Pak, Generals' performance at the Western Front was abysmal, to say the least. Image Generals planned that if India attacked East Pak, they would open a Western front to make quick gains and force India to halt its ops on the Eastern front.
India attacked East Pak from multiple directions on 21st Nov, yet Gen Yahya did not order the opening of the Western front.. Image
May 29, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
I never claimed these books are anti-Army or anti-Generals, in fact, they are very balanced books. Let's see if the right lessons are learned from these books by those who read them due to "mandatory subscription". A 🧵 As per Tragedy of Errors, in Feb-71, DG-ISI Gen Akbar said:
"We'll not let that [Mujib] bastard become our PM"

Gen Akbar was not alone, twelve Generals were against handing over power to Mujib and decided to use Bhutto as their proxy against Mujib-AL.

Reasons: Image
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In Nov 2011, Twenty-four soldiers were martyred by NATO in Salala checkpost attack.

Neither it was called a 9/11 attack nor did the NATO-US apologize. In 1992 Commander FCNA - Maj Gen Zaheer Abbasi undertook an unauthorized and costly foray into Indian-held territory in which Pak Army lost ~ 40 men (incl a Brigadier).

Instead of doing a court-martial, he was saved by then DG-ISI Gen Javed. It wasn't called our 9/11. Image
May 17, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
This is not my "told you so" moment. Few reflections and how I see things will pan out in the coming days and years -- a dispassionate 🧵 Was 9th May violence avoidable?

No, it was the culmination of a year-long frustration & anger built up due to the closure of political, legal, and constitutional avenues. The former PM's violent abduction from IHC by Generals was a triggering point that added fuel to the fire.
Mar 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
On this day (26th March) in 1971, General Yahya ordered Operation Searchlight in East Pakistan.

General Yahya said:
"The killing of a few thousand would not be too high a price for keeping the country together. Show them the teeth and they will be quiet." In Feb-1971, General Yakub, commander of the east command, opposed any military action in East Pak and predicted that Army will not be able to defend East Pak in the absence of a political solution.

His prediction proved to be right - word by word.
Mar 18, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
To counter Fatima Jinnah's support & popularity. Gen Ayub used religious clerics, Pirs and Sufis to issue a fatwa against a woman becoming head of state.

Maulana Abdul Aziz's (Laal Masjid Khatib) father was awarded by Ayub for giving a fatwa against Fatima Jinnah's candidature. General Ayub in his speeches urged the public "not to put their trust in a woman candidate". He called her old and senile not fit to lead Pakistan as she would bring chaos, disorder, and instability.

Ayub's govt even accused Fatima Jinnah of being on the payroll of the US.
Mar 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
In this 2016 video, Altaf Hussain is teaching his followers torture techniques, notice giggling and applauding by Ali Raza Abidi.

With 260 burnt alive, the Baldia factory arson is the single deadliest incident in our history by Altaf's death squad.
From 2007-2016 more than 10k people in Karachi lost to MQM-PPP-ANP gang wars, extortion and death squads.

With one Altaf Hussain's drunk speech complete Karachi used to be locked down. Yet MQM now crying hoarse that they were unfairly treated.
Dec 2, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
مامون اور متعہ - 🧵

مامون الرشید نے اپنے دور میں منادی کرا دی کہ متعہ جائز ہے۔

مامون، عمر (ر) کے اس قول پر برافروختہ تھا کہ:
"دو متعے رسول ﷺ اور ابوبکر (ر) کے دور میں حلال تھے، میں انہیں حرام کرتا ہوں۔" Image مامون برملا کہتا تھا:
"جسے رسول اللہ ﷺ حلال کریں، عمر کون ہے کہ اسے حرام کرے۔"

کسی کی ہمت نا ہوئی کہ مامون کی تصحیح کرئے۔ ایسے میں دربار کے مشہور عالم قاضی یحییٰ بن اکثم آگئے۔ انہیں یہ حکم معلوم ہو چکا تھا۔ کہنے لگے:
"اسلام میں ایک رخنہ پڑ گیا ہے۔"

مامون نے پوچھا: "وہ کیا؟"
Dec 2, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
PDM Ministers: We brought VoNC and toppled PTI Govt with the support of establishment.

Reema Omer on report card:
Dec 1, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
امام مالک بن انس اور موطا - 🧵

امام مالک بن انس حجاز کے فقیہ اعظم تھے۔ خلیفہ منصور کے عہد میں انہوں نے احادیث صحیحہ، آثار صحابہ اور تعامل اہل مدینہ کی روایات کو جمع کر کے فقہ اسلامی کی کتاب "موطا" تالیف کی۔ موطا صحت و معیار کے لحاظ سے سے 'کتاب الآثار' اور 'صیح بخاری و مسلم' سے کم نہیں۔

جب موطا کی تکمیل ہو چکی اور اس کی شہرت حکومتی ایوانوں تک پہنچی تو خلیفہ منصور نے حج کے موقع پر امام مالک سے ملاقات کر کے اس پورے عالم اسلام میں نافذ کرنے کی پیش کش کی۔ا
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Those dismissing the quote their argument is amusing:

1) Quaid never said that, there is no reference.

2) After seeing the reference, oh we still can't rely on it because it's anecdotal

3) Ok!! It matches Jinnah's governance framework but I will not trust Asghar Khan words Okay bhai na trust karo.

This is Asghar Khan with Fatima Jinnah in Peshawar (probably in early 60s). Image
Nov 24, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
How postponement of the NA session in 1971 was announced - 🧵

Gen Yahya told Admiral Ahsan (East Pak Governor) and Gen Yakub (Commander of Eastern Command) to inform Mujib about their decision of postponing the NA session. On 1st March 1971, Admiral Ahsan and Gen Yakub requested Mujib to meet them at governor house.

Upon the arrival of Mujib and Kamal Hussein at governor house, Yakub and Ahsan informed them about the decision.
Nov 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
In 1958 when Ayub took over, he justified the army's takeover on the grounds of "total administrative, economic, political & moral chaos in the country."

After abt 11 years of absolute rule, he confessed in his farewell speech that the country was on the verge of total collapse. Ayub declared with great pathos:
"I cannot preside over the destruction of my country."

When Mujib and Awami League won the 1970 election it came as a surprise to Yahya's military junta. Then DG-ISI Gen Akbar said:

"We will not let that bastard become our PM."
Nov 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
امام ابوحنیفہ کی زہانت اور حاضر جوابی کے دو واقعات: 🧵

کوفہ میں ایک شخص عثمان رضی اللہ عنہ کو یہودی قرار دیتا تھا۔ امام ابو حنیفہ کو پتہ چلا تو اس سے جا کر ملے اور فرمایا:
"تمہاری بیٹی کے لیے رشتہ لایا ہوں۔"

وہ بولا: "کس کا؟" امام صاحب بولے:
" ایسے آدمی کا جو شریف، مالدار اور سخی ہے، حافط قرآن اور تہجد گزار ہے۔ اللہ کے خوف سے بکثرت رونے والا ہے۔"

وہ خوش ہو کر بولا:
"میں تو اس سے کم صفات والے پر بھی راضی ہوں۔"

امام صاحب بولے:
"مگر اس میں ایک عیب ہے۔ وہ یہودی ہے۔"
Nov 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A few notable events related to Arshad Sharif's assassination: 🧵

1) After AS assassination, the media was told to call it a traffic accident

2) For 2 days no open & serious discussion on media was allowed

3) AS family & PTI blamed those.. ..who opened 15 FIRs, sedition cases, harassed & threatened AS

4) AS family insisted in doing AS autopsy under their trusted docs suprevision.

5) DG-ISI & ISPR did a pc hours before AS funeral and questioned ARY CEO and IK-PTI's role in AS escape.
Nov 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
سافٹ مارشل لاء کی اصطلاح شاہد سب کو کلئیر نا ہو۔ یہ ہابرئیڈ ریجیم (مثلاً عمران حکومت، ون پیج جیسی خرافات) سے ایک قدم آگے کی حلات ہیں جس میں "سب" اختیار، طاقت اور فیصلے اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے پاس ہوتے ہیں، لیکن چہرے سیاستدان کے استعمال ہوتے ہیں دیکھاوے کے لیے۔ مثال کے طور پر پنجاب حکومت اتنی بےبس ہے کہ پچیس مئی کے کرداروں کے خلاف ایکشن لینا چاہتی ہے لیکن اسٹیبلشمنٹ نہیں لینے دے رہی۔ ویسے ہی پرویز الٰہی ہر دوسرے دن بادشاہ کے حق میں زمین و آسمان نہیں ملا رہا ہوتا۔

اب اس کو آپ تحریک انصاف کی کمزوری کہے،سیاسی مصلحت کہیں لیکن حقیقت یہی ہے۔
Oct 29, 2022 27 tweets 7 min read
After a severe backlash over the last 7 months, there is a new theory being peddled that Army should stay away from politics and should only play its part when there is a threat to our national interest.

On our national interest, a 🧵: To understand our national interest I will share the events of the last 34 years, I will restrict myself to only political events as the current national crisis is also political.
Oct 25, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Who benefits from Arshad's assassination? A dispassionate 🧵: Before going into who benefitted from Arshad's assassination, it's imperative to admit that before and during PTI-Estab's one-page stint, journalists that rightly or wrongly criticized our powerful establishment were targeted.
Oct 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Good thread, however a slight disagreement on the US role as US diplomats were actively involved in meeting politicians esp PDM's during VoNC.

WikiLeaks revealed the amount of ingress & leverage the US has on our politicians & how desperately they incl estab seek US validation. Probably in near future, we'll never know in black & white the extent of the US involvement unless there is another Wikileaks but PDM leaders statements such as 'US is our ventilator, what was the need for saying Absolutely Not and snubbing EU ambassadors' was not for nothing.
Oct 9, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
حیات طیبہ کی ٹائم لائن: 🧵

۵۶۹: ابرہہ کا مکہ پر حملہ

۵۶۹: ولادتِ با سعادت

۵۷۱: شق صدر

۵۷۳: دائی حلیمہ کے ہاں سے واپسی

۵۷۵: والدہ ماجدہ کی وفات

۵۷۷: عبد المطلب کی وفات

۵۸۲: چچا ابوطالب کے ساتھ شام کا سفر

۵۸۴: حرب فجار رابع میں شرکت

۵۸۶-۵: بکریاں چرانا ۵۸۷: چچا زبیر کے ساتھ یمن کا سفر

۵۸۹: حلف الفضول میں شرکت

۵۹۳: تجارت کے لیے شام کا دوسرا سفر

۵۹۴:خدیجہ رضی اللہ عنہا سے نکاح

۵۹۹: زینب رضی اللہ عنہا کی ولادت

۶۰۲: رقیہ رضی اللہ عنہا کی ولادت

۶۰۲: غیبی انوارات کا مشاہدہ

۶۰۳: ولادت ام کلثوم رضی اللہ عنہا
Aug 4, 2022 25 tweets 6 min read
خوارج کون تھے اور خلیفائے چارہم علی رضی اللہ عنہ نے خوارج کے ساتھ کیا سلوک برتا؟
🧵 خوارج کی تعریف اور چیدہ چیدہ خصلتیں اس تھریڈ میں بیان کی گئی ہیں۔ خلاصے کے طور پر خوارج بنیادی طور پر ایسے لوگوں کا گروہ ہوتا ہے جو شریعت پر عمل میں تشدد کے عادی ہوتے ہیں اور قرآن و حدیث کے لفظی معنی پر جوں کا توں عمل کرنے کو ہی اعلیٰ دین داری سمجھتے ہیں۔