Michael Kobs Profile picture

Jul 18, 2021, 6 tweets

I had just written down a short list of the different types of chlorine gas (all Assad), when something struck me.

After Douma, the Western world and especially the two #1 (Kaszeta) and #1 (de Bretton Gordon) chemical weapons experts were worried that Assad would stall the OPCW until every trace of poison gas disappeared.

The concern was not entirely unfounded, as we read in the OPCW final report. And as we know from the whistleblowers, only trace levels were actually measured, which do not allow any conclusions about the presence of molecular chlorine.

But there was a time when the same Hamish de Bretton Gordon unerringly measured molecular chlorine gas a month after a suspected chlorine gas attack, in loosely packed soil samples.

All he needed was a portable Draeger Miniwarn. Wouldn't it be good to equip the OPCW with such devices instead of maintaining huge and expensive laboratories? Besides, you have the result within seconds.

Let's also not forget that Hamish de Bretton Gordon is one of the few experts who can even reliably recognize "atypical chlorine", for example when it looks like orange smoke and rises instead of falling.

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