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Mar 3 13 tweets 5 min read
Nukes or Nato

Since February 19, 2022, Zelensky has been gambling with the options "either nuclear weapons or NATO." Both are a no-go for Russia and ... Image ...may have been the last straw that caused Russia to decide on a direct invasion.
Feb 22 8 tweets 4 min read
The Banderist Melnyk is a walking embarrassment who in March 22 insulted and abused German politicians and political scientists who spoke out in favor of any negotiations. Image
As early as January 22, Melnyk called for the resignation of a German naval general who was of the opinion that the EU and the US should speak with Russia on an equal footing.
Feb 19 9 tweets 4 min read
@ronzheimer Richtig, er hätte die Rolle der einst stolzen Demokraten stärker betonen sollen, wie auch die Rolle von Merkel, Hollande... bis Boris Johnson, welcher ohne Zweifel von stolzen Demokraten geschickt war. @ronzheimer Kirby beschreibt die Friedensbemühungen folgendermaßen 👇. Wohlgemerkt Minsk war geltendes Völkerrecht und wenn ich mich recht entsinne, haben Sie diese Politik der einst stolzen Demokraten stets wortreich mitgetragen.
Feb 6 8 tweets 3 min read
Auf die Nachfrage von @FabioDeMasi ob der Verdächtige Wolodymyr Z. von den deutschen Strafverfolgungsbehörden in das Schengen-Register eingetragen wurde, hat die Leyen-Kommission (EU) eine geradezu verblüffend dumme Antwort. Magnus Brunner (Österreich) sagt, ... "die Kommission habe keinen Zugriff auf die Daten des Schengener Informationssystems und könne daher nicht überprüfen, ob eine Person ausgeschrieben sei".
Und er fährt fort, die EU könne auch keine Daten eingeben, korrigieren oder löschen, wenn sie bereits darin enthalten seien! Image
Jan 11 12 tweets 2 min read
Wenn Frau Weidel gefragt wird, ob die AfD "rechtsextrem" ist, dann sagt sie nicht "Nein".

Sie sagt, "Hitler war ein Kommunist".

Das ist nicht nur die schwachsinnigste Antwort, die man erdenken kann, nein, sie beweist auch, dass Frau Weidel sehr wohl das Problem erkannt hat... ...und loswerden will. Sie könnte also auch sagen, die AfD ist vielleicht "rechtsextrem", aber Hitler - das waren die Kommunisten. Und wenn man das Nazi-Problem los ist, was ist dann schlecht am Rechtsextremismus? Der Rest ist doch ganz liberal - oder national neoliberal.
Jan 3 12 tweets 5 min read
#DOUMA chemical attack 2.0
Before Jaish al Islam left Douma, they had buried the bodies from the alleged April 7 chlorine attack in an unknown location on April 8.
Now it is claimed that the Syrian government buried the dead in secret. How is that possible? On April 9, Jaish al Islam jumped on the buses and Russian military police took control.
As early as May, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), an opposition network, accused the Syrian government of stealing the bodies.
Oct 8, 2024 55 tweets 16 min read
October 7 was worse than 9/11 or
The rationalization of mass murder

These are perhaps the sickest 12 minutes you will ever hear about the war in Gaza. And they were seen 3 million times in just one day and given a heart 25,000 times.
In essence, Kisin claims to have listened... ...to the arguments of both sides (Palestinians / Israel) and to have applied the method of "First Principle Thinking", whereby he arrived at a value-free, rational, i.e. quasi-scientific assessment of the war in Gaza.
His "First Principle Thinking" led him to the ...
Oct 2, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
When silence is louder than words

The USS Kearsarge left Gdynia, Poland on September 19, 2022 at around 6:00 p.m. local time (UTC+2).

From Gdynia to the site of the Nordstream explosions it was 140 nautical miles, which the Kearsarge could have covered in 7 hours. This means that the US ghost ships could have reached the site of the explosions on September 19th, 2022 at around 11:00 p.m. UTC. Image
Sep 30, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
When silence is louder than words.
The entire Western press was in an uproar about Russian ghost ships near Nord Stream. Articles were written, documentaries made... but to this day no one talks about what these Russian ships were heading for. US ghost ships. After the Russian "ghost ship" convoy had already covered more than half of the route, at 17:15 three gigantic warships Arlington, Kearsarge and Guston Hall suddenly appeared on the AIS screens and headed straight for home.
So far, no one knows how long these ships were there. Image
Sep 4, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read

Remember Zbigniew Brzezinski? He was National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter. See how he encourages the Mujahideen to take what is theirs. "God is on your side" In an interview with 'Le Nouvel Observateur' in 1998 (20 years later), Brzezinsky explained what it was really about. "Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul." Image
Aug 25, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
...and strange coincidences of the spy world (people might call BULLSHIT)

1) Two German reconnaissance ships cruise exactly where the Andromeda first planted bombs and next sails to Poland.

At least there was no accident, no?

2) The suspected divers chose the deepest point in the Baltic Sea in order to have the most life-threatening and difficult conditions for the dive without life-saving equipment.

Well, a few miles away, the pipeline is only half as deep but these are real bad ass patriots, no?
Aug 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
It's great to see that the investigation is slowly confirming the results of my video and sound analysis. According to the latest official information, the 9th shot came "from a local SWAT operator who was about 100 yards (90 meters) away ... ...from the building on which Crooks was positioned". But we also know that the sound of the 9th shot took just as long to reach realDJstew's microphone as it did to reach the microphone on Trump's lectern.
Jul 28, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
#MajdalShams missile strike
33.265743° 35.768933°

3 days after Netanyahu linked Iran to all the evil in the ME and received standing ovations for doing so, a rocket hits a soccer field, children are killed and Hezbollah is blamed.

But there are more reasons to be skeptical. Image This video appears to be the only one so far that captures the missile impact in picture and sound.
Jul 20, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
@komarnyckyj @soil_owner @derJamesJackson @VladDavidzon Yeah, the swastika was also used before the Nazis used it. Now it's Nazi no matter what excuses you might invent. The Black sun is a Nazi creation and Azov ... Poroshenko loves it. @komarnyckyj @soil_owner @derJamesJackson @VladDavidzon It is very surprising, however, that the Ukrainians do all this Nazi shit and always say that it is not meant that way. If it is not meant that way, then why are you doing ALL OF IT AGAIN AND AGAIN?

We -the others- need to spot the nuances, right? Image
Jul 11, 2024 38 tweets 15 min read
Kiev Toxicology missile
50.450502° 30.481818°

My little thread from yesterday caused some indignation, so here's an update.
There are 3 videos that captured the approach of the missile. All three were taken from the triangular high-rise buildings south of the impact site. Image This is hardly surprising, because from there you have a good view of the industrial site of the arms company Zavod Artem, which was obviously the main target of the attack.
Jun 17, 2024 21 tweets 10 min read
No, this time we are not talking about purely coincidental similarities. We have learned the difference between the patch of the Ukrainian General Staff and the SS Dirlewanger. We pay attention to nuances. Image We have learned that one is simply a symbol, the other is the Black Sun in the magnificent hall of Heinrich Himmler's Wewelsburg.
Jun 13, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Fact Check the Fact Check
The video of the crucifixion of a separatist by (according to the speech of the perpetrators in the video) Azov has caused a certain storm of indignation and cites several fact checkers, all of whom, however, make the same points. First, It is true that the video is apparently from 2014 or 2015. In this respect, my statement of March 22 was incorrect.
This 2014/15 video, however, is comparatively "harmless" compared to images of crucifixions that actually took place in 2022.
Jun 12, 2024 29 tweets 10 min read
Azov has now been deemed eligible by the Christian so-help-me-God US. Let's see when the KKK steps up as a democratic authority.

Azov crucifying dissidents, March 22:

Azov shooting unarmed protesters in Mariupol, 2014:
May 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
This tree definitely wasn't hit by an AK-47. A Hasbara documentary reports that 30 women's corpses were lying around it? A man found them alone and supposedly closed all 30 spread legs and covered all of them so that no one else had to see it. Image A ZAKA body collector finds burned bodies in the typical fencing position of burn victims and in his imagination this position means that the victim has defended herself. And he concludes that the burned body was tortured and set on fire. Image
Apr 25, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Actually the story is true. The crime scene was a bakery in Deir Yassin 1948. The Irgun demanded from the Palestinian father Haj Hamed, the baker, to throw his son into the oven. When he refused the Irgun did it.

On 31 July 2015, Israeli settlers firebombed a Palestinian family home in the village of Duma, killing three people. 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh was burned alive in the fire.
Apr 22, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
#NasserHospital #KhanYunis
.@GeoConfirmed writes Al Jazeera is spreading disinformation regarding the mass grave at Nasser Hospital. So let's take a closer look. According to @GeoConfirmed, the same mass grave was dug by Palestinians on January 25th and GeoConfirmed points to a Telegram video by Ahmad Al Louh
However, the video shows individual graves at a cemetery-like distance along the palm trees SW of the road. t.me/Ahaamd1985/187…
