How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App"die Kommission habe keinen Zugriff auf die Daten des Schengener Informationssystems und könne daher nicht überprüfen, ob eine Person ausgeschrieben sei". loswerden will. Sie könnte also auch sagen, die AfD ist vielleicht "rechtsextrem", aber Hitler - das waren die Kommunisten. Und wenn man das Nazi-Problem los ist, was ist dann schlecht am Rechtsextremismus? Der Rest ist doch ganz liberal - oder national neoliberal. April 9, Jaish al Islam jumped on the buses and Russian military police took control. the arguments of both sides (Palestinians / Israel) and to have applied the method of "First Principle Thinking", whereby he arrived at a value-free, rational, i.e. quasi-scientific assessment of the war in Gaza. the Russian "ghost ship" convoy had already covered more than half of the route, at 17:15 three gigantic warships Arlington, Kearsarge and Guston Hall suddenly appeared on the AIS screens and headed straight for home. the building on which Crooks was positioned". But we also know that the sound of the 9th shot took just as long to reach realDJstew's microphone as it did to reach the microphone on Trump's lectern. 31 July 2015, Israeli settlers firebombed a Palestinian family home in the village of Duma, killing three people. 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh was burned alive in the fire. to @GeoConfirmed, the same mass grave was dug by Palestinians on January 25th and GeoConfirmed points to a Telegram video by Ahmad Al Louh