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I have faith in people. Get some #Danalysis when you can. . Retired firefighter and 28yr Marketing Exec. I know shit.

Jul 18, 2021, 37 tweets

Welp, the #CrazytownRecallElection is almost upon us here in CA folks. The air is steamy and hot with wannabe Republicans, a few Democrats and Green Party people and many No Party affliations to consider in September, 2021.
A total of 41 qualified. Let’s break it down for you

First up: Angelyne - Artist and Entertainer, Age 70
She’s been around the block in elections before with her last one in 2003. If anything, she’s colorful

#2 - Holly Baade - Joyful warrior, shaman who runs programs and a website called (a simple take on medicine?)
Holly is a free spirit and a mother and business owner. Well, you get the picture….

#3 - David Alexander Bramante - Real Estate Developer and Investment man around town
One of his companies, BRE Investment is no longer online. David doesn’t say much about why he’s running for governor, probably because he can.

Here’s the complete public information on our 1st 3 candidates.
Moving on

Next up: #4 Heather Collins - Green Party, business owner and Hairstylist/owner of Killer Hair. She’s mad at Gavin because of the pandemic.

#5 - John Cox the NON-Native Californian who can’t win anything, especially a governor’s race and as WIKI says - he’s a perennial candidate without a chance of winning anything. But hey! Let’s keep trying

#6 - John R. Drake - A democratic candidate running a progressive platform. John is the person no one has heard of, born in Latvia and lived in CA ever since. Nothing bad to see here but maybe more experience is needed for this. Dream big.

#7 Let’s start with Kevin Faulconer
Kevin’s claim to fame is being the Mayor of San Diego and who was term limited. Considered to be a conservative and a bit liberal, he now wants to run the state. Kevin won’t win this, especially with 40 other people peeling off votes.

#8 is Ted Gaines
Ted here is “against big government and social programs”. So translated that means he’s against things like Medicaid, Government benefits to people who need it, etc., Ted smiles a lot.
(You get my drift)

#9 - Sam Gallucci
Sam is currently a Pastor at Embrace Church in Oxnard CA. He made his Multi-millions when Oracle bought his CRM software company while he worked there. He’s a Republican of course and only HE can bring everyone together to make a difference.
Praise Be!

#10 Let’s welcome James Hanink
Jim seems like a nice man. However, outside of disliking the COVID 19 protocols put in place by Newsom, he’s dealing with complaints from women for sexual harassment. One complaint is still pending. He’s a LIBERTARIAN
Hoo boy

#11 - David Hillberg

Well, very little about David but he says he’s an Aircraft Mechanic and an Actor. We are blessed by this I guess.

Caitlyn aka “Bruce” Jenner
I have nothing nice to say about this individual, but let’s just say that a grift is a grift no matter who begins it.

#13 - Dan Kapelovitz
Dan is a criminal defense lawyer and that’s about all we know.

#14 - Chauncey “Slim” Killens
I’ll just drop this video of Chauncey providing us dialogue about educating children in school and what he thinks.
Slim is the 1st Black guy to run in the recall election so far. He’s a retired correctional officer.

#15 - Jenny Rae La Roux
Jenny is a Republican candidate that wants to use her experience in Economics and as a EX-BAIN Associate to help people and bring them together.
(We’ve heard this before)

#16 - Steve Chavez Lodge
Steve here is a Santa Ana Homocide Detective specializing in gangs and owns a consulting company
He thinks his experience with gangs can help CA ?????
He’s a Republican.

#17 - Jeremy Marciniak
There is so little to find about this guy that I stopped looking.
No party affiliation. Sounds like a rando to me

#18 - Diego Martinez
Diego is a businessman. And he’s a Republican. And he’s running

#19 we have Jackie McGowan who owns Green Street Consulting and helps folks with their cannabis stuff. She’s wealthy.
She’s a democrat

#20 - Daniel Mercuri
Daniel dabbles in many things
He’s a Republican

#21 - David Moore is a public school teacher from Emeryville. That’s about it. He doesn’t swing one party way or the other.

#22 - Robert Newman II
Robert is a farmer AND a psychologist. He’s a Republican

#23 - Doug Ose
Doug Ose is currently in the CA House of Representatives 3rd District and is a Republican

#24 - Kevin Paffrath
Kevin here is a YOUTUBER and a landlord and a real estate broker.

#25 - Adam Papagan is an entertainer.
That’s it.

#26 -Dennis Richter has no party affiliation

#27 - Brandon R. Ross
I tried to find information to confirm this Mr. Ross but got this when I went to his governor website
So no confirmation

#28 - Major Singh
No party affiliation and when trying to get to his website I got this

#29 - Sarah Stephens
Sarah believes in, well, so much it’s hard to follow
She’s a Republican and a Believer of course

#30 - Denver Stoner
Says he’s a Republican and a Sheriff, but where?
Not much to find about him.

#31 - Anthony Trimino
He’s REpublican and an entrepreneur
He is a marketing/advertising executive so is using his words carefully to make a difference. He’s a Republican.

#32 - Joel Ventresca
Joel ran for mayor San Francisco, is retired and says he’s completely incorruptible. He’s a democrat.


#33 - Daniel Watts
Democrat and seems to be progressive.

#34 - Nicholas Wildstar
2nd Black candidate and not much to know. He’s a Republican.

#35 - Leo S. Zacky.
He’s a Republican and I’m just going to put this out there for your viewing enjoyment and your own opinion.


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