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Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Jul 18, 2021, 11 tweets


An analysis (SPOILERS)

When I watch movies, I now analyze them for what the subconscious message is

MI:F (2018) was full of some of some CRAZY messaging

The whole movie revolves around this man

Soloman Lane, constantly transferred like this

2/ He used to look like this

But in MI:F he’s constantly being transferred as the most dangerous man in the world, & he has information on everyone that could bring down the world

So he went from this👇

3/ To this

Remind you of anyone?

Followed by anonymous terrorists bent on bringing down the One WorId Government

4/ He’s considered a cult leader followed by a bunch of anonymous, nameless, terrorists

So they’ve framed the man with the knowledge as a terrorist from trying to bring down the world government

Ethan Hunt & the heroic IMF (🤔) are there to save the world from these terrorists

5/ In the end, Lane is handed over to the British government

Because of what he knows about the Royal Family (never clarified, a throwaway line)


6/ Then we come to The White Widow

a wealthy European socialite who - through blackmail - has spies & leverage on every government in the world

her role: remind you of anyone?

She’s made glamorous & like an antihero who helps save the day against Lane in the end

7/ Oh, & did I mention the opening lines?

They’re a doozy

“I am the storm”

8/ But that’s not the best part

At the beginning they convince one of the critical terrorists that the plot has gone off - 3 nukes. He’s delighted

The only problem is they tricked him with

Fake News. Courtesy of CNN & a Wolf BIitzer mask

Even Esquire caught on to that nugget

9/ So let’s recap

The anonymous cult terrorists with damaging information are bad guys

Because they threaten the world order

The White Widow is a necessary evil

They fool the terrorists with fake news

They are “the storm”

10/ & there’s 1 line they all repeat

it’s said at least a dozen times like a mantra even though it’s supposed to be true Bad Guy’s thing:

“The greater the suffering, the greater the peace”

Said over & over & over again

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the programming

11/ It’s an entertaining movie for sure

There are too many layers to get into

But always, ALWAYS look for the implied messaging & subtones

They’re always there


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