💫T.Katsumi@X 🌍🌏🌎 Profile picture
💫T.Katsumi(52) 🙆🏻‍♂️私🇩🇪生れ🇯🇵🇿🇼🇧🇷🇺🇸育ち|IT翻訳歴25年+通訳歴20年+|🙆🏻‍♀️妻🇯🇵生れ|飲食歴20年+|22年🙆🏻‍♀️乳がん再発&転移で治療開始。🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♀️で闘病中。予後6年経過🎉 翻訳専用 @OfficeBALES

Jul 19, 2021, 6 tweets

‘96 @rockinon_com article:

Oyamada (O): Bullying in our school was really horrible.

- But you said you’re the one that bullied them?

O: Yeah I was. Come to think of it I’ve done some horrible stuff. I’m gonna apologize here n’ now (lol). Cuz that was some really shitty stuff.

- Doing things you just wouldn’t do?

O: Yeah, inhumane stuff. Like stripping ‘em naked, wrapping ‘em up and make ‘em jerk off, then make ‘em eat their own shit, and give ‘em belly-to-back suplex while they’re eating their own shit and stuff like that.

- (LMAO)

- You talked about dead frog the other day but I knew it wouldn’t stop there.

O: But I didn’t do it myself, you know. I just give them ideas (lol)

- Just kinda stay on the side, give them ideas, but still excited with cold sweat on your hands? (lol)

O: Yes, yes, yes! Just telling them how about this and that, this should be fun! Like that (lol)

- Just watching but with your heart-pounding, right?

O: Yes, yes, yes! (lol)

That was an excerpt of an interview on a rockn’ roll magazine 27 years ago. #KeigoOyamada was then 25. Now he is 52. The @rockinon_com chief editor back then posted a note of apology yesterday, saying it was “seriously unenthical” the way he interviewed and that he published it.

The now 52-year-old artist posted his apology on Twitter, apologizing to the victims and their family, and others who he ‘may have offended,’ but also insisted he would continue with his role as lead composer of the #Tokyo2020  Olympics and Paralympics Game.


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