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Jul 19, 2021, 14 tweets

Govt has denied snooping. Also, existing security mandate allows interceptions following an established procedure- fact that u & I are not there means that we commoners are not perceived as such- but for what u claim snooping, would agencies be able to avoid bomb blasts and all?

Secondly, India has been deliberately pushed in this list to create sensation - less than 50 interceptions in a country of 1.4 billion is no snooping. Thirdly, there is NO guarantee that snooping was done by India as @citizenlab claims that 45 countries use this tool

Fourthly - it can’t be a mere coincidence that -
All 4 - amnesty, foreign Architecture, citizen lab and forbidden stories are all funded by same - George Soros funded Open Society with Harsh Mander types on their global boards! Check this pls

Fifthly, let us check the methodology - I mean u r a tech watcher and surely u too won’t take this claim so easily - that too by people of questionable motives

Sixthly @nixxin : story claims presence of nos- 50,000 in total but that itself is NO guarantee of snooping
2) forensic analysis of phones of known baiters done by Amnesty’s tool
3) then phone user is asked to establish the infection - if they yes- bingo “I am SNOOPED” 😁😁

Check how majority of phones sent for analysis are of Wire employees -LOL
4) another crucial pointer is how the nos am were obtained - if ethical hacking or using of comparative tool- how is ethical hacking done with motives ethical and Govt’s is snooping @nixxin ?

As mentioned above; 45 countries use this alleged tool and location of a phone is not the determining factor - what is the guarantee that this was used by India when both NSO and Indian Govt has denied it. Check this tweet @nixxin - one mere operator name can’t be a reason!

Also @nixxin just see how big tech is going after NSO as it breaks their hegemony as being thr judge jury and the arbitrator of data- imagine Apple refused to unlock phone of Sen Bernardino shooter but same big tech happily play soft on terrorists…

Coming back to this last hope of the gang as evident from this tweet - do read this portion from Wire piece only - I mean how low can one go in creating this sensation ? They don’t even know if purported judge is using that no or not

Infact @nixxin can there be a claim as laughable as this to declare this as snooping??

Dear @nixxin I am sharing all this with u as u understand this business more than many here - imagine this collaborator of @FbdnStories -
1) common funding
2) the tool used by it and taking pride in hactivism
3)donation given in kind by way of tool by NSOs competitors

Next @nixxin I draw ur attention to this Sep 1, 2018 report of @citizenlab and let me know what new u find after almost 3 years…

Next is this June 2020 report by @amnesty - I mean what new u find in here after a year - don’t u think this is a case of repeating same thing after every few months?…

Lastly for now @nixxin this, at best, seems to be a case of preparing ground for new fund raising in the name of - check this press release of early this month by Amnesty- can u see the concerted focus of global left on NSO?…

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