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Co-Founder | I help Christian entrepreneurs lose 10-50lbs or more | 600+ men coached | DM me “INFO” to learn about working with us

Jul 19, 2021, 13 tweets

The Skinny Fat Cure.

(7 secrets to drastically lose fat & gain muscle)


I can remember being frustrated with my skinny fat body.

I had noodle arms that couldn't fill out t-shirts.

And I had a flabby belly that made me insecure to take off my shirt.

BUT, eventually, I found the cure 👇

1. Don't exercise. Train.

Mr. Jones jogs every day.

He exercises A LOT.
But still looks soft.

Have a GOAL and PURPOSE for every move you make in the gym.

2. Don’t just "stick to the basics”.

Classic “hard worker” mistake.

Oversimplifying to the point of inaccuracy.

The basics have their place.

But we want to be effective & efficient.

Effective & efficient = your body changes sooner rather than later.

3. Protein is your best friend.

Skinny fat bodies barely have any muscle to speak of.

That's the problem.

Now, protein is the building block of muscle.

No protein = no muscle

This means a high protein diet is a MUST if you have hopes of curing the skinny fat body.

4. Progressive intensity

Progressive intensity is a necessity for muscle growth.

How it's done:
1) Track your workouts
2) Increase at least 1 intensity metric every workout

Intensity metrics include: weight, reps, sets, & form

Result: muscle 📈

5. Impossible reps.

Muscle growth is an adaptation.

Adaptation requires an intense enough stimulus.

So remember this.

When the reps feel impossible, those are the ones that change your body.

6. Calorie balance.

When you're skinny fat, regardless of the workouts

You need to address the FAT.

The only way to do this is to control calories.

Eat fewer calories than you burn.

And the fat will fall off.

Make it measurable (so you can adjust it later).

7. Don't rely on motivation.

Learn to stop relying on a temporary emotion.

- Find your "why"
- Set a concrete goal
- Invest in accountability

Everyone feels unmotivated sometimes.

The winners do it anyway.


Mateus, an NCAA Athlete training for the NFL

Mateus struggled with the skinny fat body after years of training with little to no change.

He used this cure

- lost fat 📉
- gained muscle 📈
- 0lb bodyweight difference in 2.5 months 🔥

P.S. I'm looking for a few more people who want to transform their bodies just by using my app.

DM me "App" and I'll get you all the details.

DM me "App"👇…

2.5 months apart, same body weight.

That’s the power of the Skinny Fat Cure.

P.S. I'm looking for 3 more people to work closely with who want to look good in a T-shirt.

I will design a custom system for your 3 pillars of fitness.

You will get 24/7 access to me.

DM me👇…

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