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Jul 20, 2021, 5 tweets

4th round of national sero-survey for #COVID19 - Overall sero-prevalence is 67.6% in the entire population

Amongst the adults in the survey, 62.2% people were not vaccinated, while 24.8% had taken single dose of vaccine and 13% were fully vaccinated - DG @ICMRDELHI

4th Round of National Sero-Survey

Two third of the general population had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. A third of population did not have antibodies (Still ~ 40 crores vulnerable)

States/districts/areas without antibodies run the risk of infection waves


Implications of 4th Round of National Sero-Survey show that there is a ray of hope but there is no room for complacency.

Non-essential travel must be discouraged and travel only if fully vaccinated - DG @ICMRDELHI


The sero-survey was conducted over 28,975 individuals (adults and children), apart from 7,252 healthcare workers in 70 districts where earlier three rounds were also conducted



Children can handle viral infection much better than adults. It has been established that children have lower number of receptors than adults where the virus attaches Once India starts considering opening of schools, it will be wise to open primary schools first


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