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Jul 20, 2021, 9 tweets

See how quickly The Project Pegasus tanked - front pages of NYT, Jerusalem Post, WSJ and Boston Globe today!

Even WAPO seems to have given up- perhaps danda by Apple must have made them run that story on their front page today!

Even Haaretz seems to have given up!

Sadly for @amnesty , the story seems to have vanished from global newspapers - let us see how quickly Indian media follows their international counterpart - yes this story is baseless and full of vindictive propaganda of Amnesty against NSO!

Even papers in Pakistan and others are not interested

Even they are not interested

Even vernacular press is NOT interested

Nepal is also not interested

Even Bengalis are not interested - they were more interested in showing PM @narendramodi carrying his own umbrella than that Pegasus project sh** from west 😁😁😁😁😁😁.

After this reaction from Bengali press, nothing much is left now -announcing that #ProjectPegasus is dead!

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