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πŸ“· Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Jul 20, 2021, 5 tweets

Remembering Max Liebermann on his birthday πŸŽ‚
πŸ“· Yva (Else Simon), from her series "Celebrities from behind", before 1930
Liebermann was featured, along with Nolde, Chagall, Klee, Kandinsky, Kokoschka, & others, in the Nazi's "Degenerate Art" exhibition in Munich in July 1937

Max Liebermann, Self-portrait, 1913
"Six years Vincent Van Gogh's senior, he led the way to the Dutchman's radical topics, & to those of Berlin's great KΓ€the Kollwitz."
- Colin Eisler

Max Liebermann
On the Alster in Hamburg, 1910
Galerie Neue Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Max Liebermann by Nicola Perscheid, 1908
In 1898 he founded the Berlin Secession, a collective for artists who worked in modern styles, in opposition to the conservative policies of the Prussian Art Association. Liebermann served as president for 13 years.

In 1910 Max Liebermann built a summer house on Lake Wannsee. Over the years, he made 200 paintings of its gardens. The Nazis took the house from his widow in 1936, but since 2006 Villa Liebermann has been open as a museum of Liebermann's art.
πŸ“· A. Savin, 2014

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