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Jul 20, 2021, 11 tweets

Robert Reich is eating his oatmeal and his shoes don't touch the kitchen floor. His tie hangs an inch and a half beneath his belt buckle, or just above his knees. He is not a dwarf. A dwarf is someone whose adult height is 4-10 or less as the result of a medical or genetic

condition, according to the Little People of America, a nonprofit group that supports people with short stature. "They wonder if he got a date to the prom, if he was ever picked for basketball in gym class." (Reich did attend his senior prom, and was always picked last for

basketball.) Reich "might be a familiar name," Goldman continues. "But he makes a convincing outsider, largely because of the stature issue."

Marc Rich (born Marcell David Reich; December 18, 1934 – June 26, 2013) was an international commodities trader, hedge fund manager,

financier, businessman, and alleged financial criminal. He founded the commodities company Glencore, and was later indicted in the United States on federal charges of tax evasion and making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis. He fled to Switzerland at the time

of the indictment and never returned to the United States.[2] He received a widely criticized presidential pardon from U.S. President Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001, Clinton's last day in office; Rich's ex-wife Denise had made large donations to the Democratic Party.

Davis was permitted by authorities to purchase Rich's holding and subsequently sold this to Rupert Murdoch for $232 million during March 1984.
Rich had ties to many mafia associates in the Soviet Union and, subsequently, the former Soviet Union, such as the Georgian-Israelli

Grigori Loutchansky who owns the Austrian-based company Nordex and who was involved in the Iridium satellite constellation,[b][c] and especially in the Russian Mafia, such as Marat Balagula, who was convicted of gasoline price fixing.

On January 20, 2001, hours before leaving

office, U.S. President Bill Clinton granted Rich a controversial presidential pardon.[25] Leonard Garment, Richard Nixon's acting Special Counsel who had replaced John Dean during Watergate, had both Rich and Rich's business partner Pincus Green as a client since spring 1985

with Scooter Libby representing them as their attorney for the pardon until spring 2000 when Jack Quinn became their attorney. Rich's lawyer, Jack Quinn, had previously been Clinton's White House Counsel and chief of staff to Clinton's Vice President, Al Gore, and had had a

close relationship with Holder. Quinn is presently a Legal Analyst at CNN. He also practices law at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips and in the Law Office of John M. Quinn. Originally a banking law boutique firm, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP was founded 1965 by Charles Taylor Manatt,

who later became chairman of the Democratic National Committee and U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, and Thomas Phelps, a banking and finance attorney.

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